Orbit Rain
Friday, October 31, 2003
Bush and Muslims - The Washington Times: Editorials/OP-ED
Bush and Muslims - The Washington Times: Editorials/OP-ED:
"What was that the president was saying about Judaism, Christianity and Islam being equally committed to freedom of religion? It sounds like the voice of diplomatic politesse — as it does every time Mr. Bush insists the Muslim terrorists waging jihad on Western civilization 'are evil people who have hijacked a great religion.' It may seem nice and neighborly, but such a formulation categorically denies the fact that there is something inherent to that 'great religion' — jihad and dhimmitude, for starters — that inspires the supposed 'hijacking,' shaping a theology that has always been part terrorist manifesto. This same soft-soap routine also obscures the desperate need for Islamic reformation, an accommodation with modernity that would allow other religions to coexist with Islam without fear. "
www.chiesa | The Church and Islam. “La Civiltà Cattolica” Breaks the Ceasefire
www.chiesa | The Church and Islam. “La Civiltà Cattolica” Breaks the Ceasefire
I shoulda marked this yesterday...
WorldNetDaily: O'Connor: U.S. must rely on foreign law
WorldNetDaily: O'Connor: U.S. must rely on foreign law:
"'but when it comes to the impression created by the treatment of foreign and international law and the United States court, the jury is still out.' "
Pope Weighs in on Italy Crucifix Controversy (washingtonpost.com)
Pope Weighs in on Italy Crucifix Controversy (washingtonpost.com):
"'Social co-existence and peace cannot be achieved by erasing the religious distinctiveness of each people,' "
Wednesday, October 29, 2003
Sunday, October 26, 2003
"The intense negotiations between Jerusalem and Washington over the route of the fence hardly involve the Palestinian Authority, according to sources familiar with the talks. 'We are not very engaged or even consulted on those discussions,' said Michael Tarazi, legal advisor to the Palestinian Negotiations Affairs Department.
"We are very disturbed by that. Again we have a situation where Israelis and Americans are making decisions that Palestinians are going to have to pay for," Tarazi said in a telephone interview from his Ramallah home."
Perhaps when you Palestinians get your shit together you'll be able to sit down at the table of plenty....keep acting like barbarians and you'll continue to be treated as such. Didn't I read somewhere that insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result?
Conquest of Cool by Thomas Frank, excerpt
Conquest of Cool by Thomas Frank, excerpt
...must read this later (after football)
OpinionJournal - Extra
OpinionJournal - Extra:
"And who dares say you have no right to commune with your gravely ill child? To comfort your child? To pray for your child? Who dares say you have no right to hope that she will recover no matter what the doctors say? Who dares say you have no right to comfort, commune with and pray for her even if you have given up hope? Yes, the woman is mortally ill. Who dares say that her life is therefore worthless, to be cut off at her husband's whim?"
NPR : Transcripts Search Results
NPR : Transcripts Search Results:
"NPR's senior news analyst, Daniel Schorr.
SCHORR: The Bush administration insists that the threat to the United States was so serious and so imminent that invasion was unavoidable. But the public remains unconvinced. President Bush says the American people aren't getting the truth about Iraq. But he's referring to inadequate coverage of reconstruction."
So...I'm looking for transcripts for a show on NPR today...Not suprisingly, it isn't there yet, but what IS suprising is that they are charging for online transcripts...
I rest my case there (for now) regardless, I was looking for something Schorr said today, and I see the preview for an article above...apparently Schorr has selective hearing...
so for this post i googled bush speech state union "imminent threat" and the first page listed was this: http://www.cnn.com/2003/ALLPOLITICS/01/28/sotu.speech/. I search on that page for the word "transcript" and get an object not supported error...OHHhhhhh Kayyyyyy...There's a link to a video of the speech, bt no link I can find to a transcript...
What kind of fucking news organization is this?!
I guess my mistake was looking through cnn for some truthful information. I'm sure they have plenty a' "information" in their Special Report...my ass. Anyways, my bad for making the mistake of even looking for to secondary source to find what I'm looking for...
anyways....to rebutt Schorr, take a look at Bush's speech:
President Delivers "State of the Union"
I'll quote the relevant passage here:
Some have said we must not act until the threat is imminent. Since when have terrorists and tyrants announced their intentions, politely putting us on notice before they strike? If this threat is permitted to fully and suddenly emerge, all actions, all words, and all recriminations would come too late. Trusting in the sanity and restraint of Saddam Hussein is not a strategy, and it is not an option. (Applause.)
So, for those of you with at least reasonable reading and comprehensions skills can manage to understand this...I guess Schorr is not in that camp.
He's in the deception camp. (more likely he knows what he knows that isn't so) What's the deception? Putting into Bush's head and words that our justification for invading Iraq was that Iraq was an "imminent threat", about to bomb Chicago or LA. The imminent threat wasn't that Iraq was about to bomb us, but rather that crazy regime (which has no compunction about using chemical weapons on its own citizens) would give a WMD to his terrorist friends and have them do his dirty work...
This is old news people...If you were a Dictator who wanted to attack, say, Seychelles, would you send boats over from your little navy, or would you let some fanatical associates do the dirty work, and take the blame, while you sit cozy and un-connected in your palaces?
This isn't rocket science people. It's not like the "invasion" plan really worked out for Hussein the first time.
Saturday, October 25, 2003
Yahoo! News - Rep. Pelosi Says Wal-Mart Arrests 'Terrorizing'
Yahoo! News - Rep. Pelosi Says Wal-Mart Arrests 'Terrorizing':
"'It instills a great deal of fear in people who are only trying to earn a living and put food on the table for their family,' Pelosi, a California Democrat, told reporters on a Congressional visit to Mexico. "
Damn, talk about shooting yourself in the ass.
Frameless Album
Well, I just heard in article on NPR, about blogging. I'm also using his post as a test for my need to voice recognition program.
Take a look at a image 1364. Against those three days would rather see more innocent Iraqis kill and, they'd rather have the old regime doing the killing than any collateral damage done by the United States.
Well, taking a look at the voice recognition here, it doesn't look like it's done to the Jazz has imitate a lot of editing to make this thing straight.
All my dad, it really mangled that last paragraph. And this one to.
Friday, October 24, 2003
The Barbarians at the Gates of Paris by Theodore Dalrymple:
"My acquaintance said to the police that he would make a complaint. The senior among them advised him against wasting his time. At that time of night, there would be no one to complain to in the local commissariat. He would have to go the following day and would have to wait on line for three hours. He would have to return several times, with a long wait each time. And in the end, nothing would be done. "
Muslim leader with D.C. ties indicted:
" Also ringing alarms: Alamoudi’s Palm Pilot, which the government claims included the names and numbers of six designated global terrorists."
...this is why they are "terrorists", he has only six "designated global terrorists", and not an army of 200,000 wandering around "his" Islamic country of Iraq.
_Freedom Line_
It is the opinion of the Mullah's that the Mullah's are best empowered to make decisions for "the state" One man, one irretrievable group, cannot be given power for so long.
It certainly can't be given over those who don't share their belief. Would you subjugate your rights to a religion not of your own? To say you would take such a right only agrees that your own right can be overthrown by might. A simple plurality does not relegate control of my destiny into your hands.
Live Free or Die
(and that some would interpret as better you than me....dying...that is... ;)
(and more stil agree that it means willing to die trying)
Yes, my friends, we are willing to die for our own freedom.
We should be more willing to die for the freedoms of others, and yet we do not....we are excoriated for fighting before we allow an enemy the curtesy of firing the first shot...and yet I can still hear a shot in my ear.
Six people you can call to back you up...I'm sure you know more, and they know more...
I know a few people that know a few people that can call up a few hundred thousand. :)
OpinionJournal - Leisure & Arts: "Wealth matters, as does the critical mass of talent present only in elite cities. But more important, in his estimation, is a range of cultural factors. To do their work at all, artists and scientists require 'freedom of action,' not so much formal rights as intellectual latitude. To thrive, they need something more: a social milieu where life is thought to have purpose, where personal autonomy is encouraged and where a longing for 'the true, the beautiful, and the good' provides a 'transcendental' spark. In its dynamic combination of these elements, Mr. Murray contends, the modern West has been uniquely blessed."
Thursday, October 23, 2003
OpinionJournal - Wonder Land:
"Continuing to use the courts in this way--the ACLU boasting it will get a court to overthrow a law passed by Congress or any legislature--and then demanding that large portions of American society simply shut up and swallow it is a recipe for a kind of war much more serious than the mere chattering crossfire of talk shows. "
OpinionJournal - Wonder Land:
"Many Europeans abandoned their birthplace centuries ago to risk life in America precisely because they had tired of the culture wars back home--of living in places where religious and social disagreements got settled by people overcome with a compulsion to smash and erase their opponents. "
OpinionJournal - Taste:
"With the General Accounting Office now in the midst of the first review of funding for public broadcasting in nearly two decades, that's something Congress might want to consider before cutting its next check."
indeed! (I can hear the liberal shrieks)
IMAO: In My World: When God Attacks: "Now I'm going to get Old Testament " ON YOUR ASSES
heehee couldn't help myself there :D
as a side not, this is weird how I have two blogs, I could swear I'm using the same username...so confusing :/
OpinionJournal - OpinionJournal's Political Diary:
"Airing projects that rewrite history is just one of many reasons that the flight of audiences from network television continues apace."
I'd add that people who lie to the American public are partly responsible for the mis-education of America, especially the poor who can't afford cable to get away from this crap.
Good job Tiffany, may your ratings decline continue, and your cries of remiss go unheard as you become a piece of history:
A: "Do you remember CBS?"
B: "Didn't they used to show football?"
Wednesday, October 22, 2003
OpinionJournal - OpinionJournal's Political Diary:
"Question: What does this say about where the people who vote in Democratic primaries stand in relation to the rest of the country (at least in the minds of the candidates)? "
damn good line of thought though...have the democratic primary attendees (sent there to nominate a candidate) gone off the far deep edge of the leftists?
The people who hate our country and blame it for just about everything?
Damn I better not tell my mom that one.
Monday, October 20, 2003
New York Post Online Edition: postopinion:
"Now we face something unique in history: the collapse, before our eyes, of the competitiveness and competence of a vast civilization, that of Middle Eastern Islam. None of its cherished values - the subjugation of women, religious intolerance, economic organization based on blood ties - works anymore. The people of the Middle East simply can't compete on their own terms. And the Arab world appears close to hitting bottom"
Indeed, given the choice between living free and suffering under a dictator (religious or secular), people will choose freedom. It's becoming mor eclear to me why people are referring to them as Islamofascists. We wouldn't give free reign over our lives to radical fundamentalist Baptists in America, now would we?
jewish comment uk israel news:
"What does this tell us about British society?"
It tells us that they are being fed a line of crap from the beeb, and are too stupid to discern fact from fiction.
Ricki Hollander on Reuters & Mideast on National Review Online
Ya know, blogs are fucking awesome. I go the link to this on LGF, which is cool...The cooler part is that yesterday I was reading a fisking of Reuters' coverage moonbat's speech. Leaving out the beginning or end of a paragraph is one thing, cutting shit right out of the middle of his speech is just...well...wrong. I can hear someone somewhere screaming "JOURNALISTIC ETHICS!"
It isn't news to a lot of other people that Reuters is or has become a news service with an agenda of its own, and of course the truth isn't going to stand in their way. I'm trying to get a deeper handle on the media. It's not suprising to me now that dictators go after the press straight away...Lies told and repeated enough obviously become truth in some peoples mind...it doesn't help when the press will decieve you straight up without any government intervention.
So I'm pondering the solution to a column made of sand.
OpinionJournal - Leisure & Arts
The Candidate vs. the General
Did Wesley Clark bother to read his own book?
I've decided to stop reading shit about Clark, he isn't going to be the Democratic nominee, let alone win...history will remember him as another fool associated with Clinton.