Orbit Rain
Sunday, November 30, 2003
Imperial Majesty
"The Americans must fix the mess they have made of Iraq before they even think of getting out. In this we in Saudi Arabia should help. We must find a way of allowing the Americans a face-saving exit out of Iraq that leaves that country with a stable and representative government and with the necessary funds to begin its economic recovery."

We don't need your help assholes. Read the whole thing and you'll realize what a bunch of cocksuckers "our dear friends" the Saudi's are...This article coming from Arab News, the official English language voice of the House of Saud.

Yeah, we hear ya over here...You're fucking morons to put this on the English site.
Cox & Forkum: Political Asylum

Racism report for EU ends in name calling
Researchers at a German institute who found young Muslims were to blame for many attacks on Jews were told several times by the European Union to change their conclusions, they say.

Hey someone, leak the report!
Saturday, November 29, 2003
Yahoo! News - Hundreds protest violence in Baghdad as US soldier killed in mortar attack
Hundreds protest violence in Baghdad as US soldier killed in mortar attack


The spin is fucking incredible...so easily hidden from innocent eyes...We're not all blind to your deception...your day will come on this earth. And good job cross-leading the headline...
WorldNetDaily: Muslim Bush appointee blasts president
"He is the first president in the history of America whose policy includes supporting Christian missionaries and applying pressure through them on some countries. He links them with continued American aid to some countries.' "

Considering this nation is composed mostly of Christians, I have no problem cutting off aid to countries that have any bit of Christian genocide going on...

It's a hard life, aye? beggar boys.

The White House wrote to me and asked me: 'How did you know?!'

OOOH LOOKIE! A page from the Wesley Clark school of bullshit! General Clark, you must be so proud to be such an inspiration to islamofascists and morons!

'Either the promises you are giving me will be realistic, or everything is a lie, and I'll quit and go back to my academic post.'"

Don't bother, just leave the country. I'm sure you'll get your audiences elsewhere.
A refuge strictly for the birds
Charlie Tuna Award

My selection for this year's Charlie Tuna Award goes to the Animal Protection Institute (API) of Sacramento. This is no easy feat considering some of the stunts pulled off by former Fish and Game Director Robert Hight.

The API pushed SB 1645 as law, which requires that anybody taking furbearing mammals or non-game animals must purchase a trapping license, available only by paying a fee ($78.50) and passing a fairly complex test. Now get this: Fish and Game Code 4005 defines non-game animals as including mice, rats, gophers and moles.

So now you need a trapping license to set out mousetraps?

You guys really are nucking futballs.
Friday, November 28, 2003
BBC NEWS | World | Middle East | Iraqis rally against 'terrorism'

We demand that all criminals, whether they are Saddam [Hussein] loyalists or al-Qaeda members, be chased and tried for their crimes against the Iraqi people," Mr Sahib added.


The England Project: It's all going pear shaped
"Go and read it.Decide if you agree with his sentiments. If you do not you are not welcome here. The England Project can do without you."

Here! Here!

Shocking disrespect, I must say. Whoever arrested him should get sacked, and on up the line.

Can you do that over there?

Orbit Rain
Thanks from Zeyad - Thursday, November 27, 2003
My reply to Zeyad...



I got goosebumps when I read my name!...History no doubt will smile on you and your contribution to a better understanding of Iraq, your contribution to bringing peace in this world. I am honored to make the "front page" of your blog! :D

Peace be with you!

and for Rachel:
and now for a little fisking!

Rachel, you wrote: "Christina in Montana wrote that President Bush was quoted as saying, "Saddam Hussein is gone forever...". "

Actualy President Bush said " The regime of Saddam Hussein is gone forever. (Applause.) "

I realize one word may be a trifle to you, but realize that words have meaning. President Bush did NOT say tha tthe war was over May 1, he said major combat operations were over (think tank vs. tank, army vs army battles my dear)

You are building your arguments on a foundation of sand. Are you making up these lines on your own or are you regurgitating whatever spin you hear on the television? Can you think for yourself? Can you look for an primary source source for yourself before you go making a fool of yourself? I found President Bush's speech I quoted above at www.whitehouse.gov

Have you ever heard of a Chinese Telephone?

"Yes, it made good tv but what else?"

Is that all you can see of this "good tv"? How about uplifting the troops, reaffirming their mission:

You're engaged in a difficult mission. Those who attack our coalition forces and kill innocent Iraqis are testing our will. They hope we will run. We did not charge hundreds of miles into the heart of Iraq, pay a bitter cost in casualties, defeat a brutal dictator and liberate 25 million people only to retreat before a band of thugs and assassins. (Applause.)

President Bush went there for a reason, with a message. We are not leaving, no matter how much you bitch and whine about it (want some cheese with that?!) WELCOME TO SOVEREIGNTY!

The United States and our coalition will help you, help you build a peaceful country so that your children can have a bright future.

Yes, we Americans do care about the children of the world, our own, our friends, our enemies. This Love prevents us from wontonly killing the innocent...from sinking to the depths you would attribute to us, from sinking to the depths of evil our enemies have displayed.

You suffer from "Uneducated Mind-Reading Syndrome" "Would not that have provoked Americans into calling for Baghdad to be flattened?"

Perhaps in your mind, but not in ours.

that presupposes that one has enough imagination to understand the peril.

Of course Bush must be too dumb to understand anything, in your mind...I googled "sit down like good Christians" and found no...ZERO hits...do you have a link? Or are you just pulling this out of your ass? And your knowledge of the Crusades is sorely lacking too I imagine...too long a subject for this blog-commentary. I take it the word 'crusade' is anathema to you. Again, I suggest you do a little reading and educate yourself about the crusades...Can you tell me why they started? How many centuries were Muslims over-running Christian Lands before they responded, do tell?

I suppose you must be perfectly content to ignore the plight of your fellow man, for centuries, perhaps. Fortunately not all are like you, otherwise we could look forward to Iraq's liberation near the end of the 25th century.

...but I digress...

I find it difficult to believe that Bush really understood the risk he was taking: if he could not apprehend the peril, then he was not being brave.

Wow, excellent logic there dear. It's difficult for you to understand because you have a mind to small to comprehend President Bush...I cannot expand your mind, you yourself must challenge your own perceptions of reality. How about this logic: I find it simple to comprehend how the compounding of lies and disinformation and spin have cemented in your mind a disdain for Bush. If you cannot base your arguments on truthful statements, your are a poor excuse for positive change. You ARE for positive change aren't you? There's a saying: If you want a clean world, you must start by sweeping your own porch.

Can I lend you a broom?

"And why doesn't it seem to bother anyone else that Bush dispensed with all diplomatic courtesies and international protocols? He was not invited by the Iraqi government "
You're like 16, aren't you? You do realize there is no Iraqi government at the moment, don't you? But oh yes, oh Good Lord, Haven Forbid ! How dare we step over protocol! Would be the same protocol that condemned thousands of Iraqis to death at the hands of Saddam and his gang? The same protocal that sits by today as thousands more murdered for their religious beliefs? Where billions have no voice in how they are governed.

Need a broom?
IRNA-Islamic Republic News Agency
IRNA-Islamic Republic News Agency

a blank page says it all, doesn't it?
The Globe and Mail
"The Net is also popular with teenagers and young adults, he adds, because their parents have no idea what they're doing."

These five regimes must go
'Damn you', she shouted, 'whoever you are.'
Yahoo! News - UN Says Israel Fails to Meet Demand to Halt Wall
"Palestinians call it a bid to annex land taken in the 1967 Middle East war and say the Israelis must stop construction if they are serious about the road map. "

...hey, stop sending in suicide bombers and you'll get your peace. Until then, tough shit. You wanna fight about it?

What are your worst fears? Do you *want* them to come to fruition? That *you* might be "driven to the sea"?

We could have made that happen a long time ago. Be thankful we *are* a peaceful country and a peaceful people. Were we like you, YOU would be dead.
The Globalist | Global Society -- The Israelization of Turkey
"On Istiklal Street, which is very close to one of the explosion sights, people kept screaming 'God damn you!' "
Conservative Commentary
Conservative Commentary
Conservative Commentary
No matter how enmeshed a commander becomes in the elaboration of his own thoughts, it is sometimes necessary to take the enemy into account.
- Winston Churchill

Below you will find my response to a discussion on http://concom.blogspot.com/ - Conservative Commentary

"In terms of badly behaved young people there nees to be an assessment of why they are creating a nuisance or making people feel threatened. "

hmmm...something to ponder while an intruder is raping you and your wife, duct-taping your mouths, then setting you and your house on fire...eh? Perhaps you can ask him to hold off while you call his mother to ask what all the trouble is with her boy?

"locking up criminals and throwing away the key won't stop them from re-offending."

Perhaps you are right, after all, locking someone up gives no guarantee a criminal won't attack his cell-mate.

Wait a second, why am I wasting my time replying to this fool dDan?

regardless, I carry on...

"Criminals and terrorists have rational desires..."

Are you a mind-reader? Perhaps its a sizable population of Imams and radical Islamics that hope to use their religion as a springboard to greater global power and greater personal power, facilitated by Allah? Yes, perhaps they rationally think that killing enough innocents will casue the West to turn tail and run, to make apologies for their actions, to ponder why they must be so down-trodden and suppressed. Yes, perhaps we should right evrey wrong in the world and forgive them of their sins

You deign to step into the shoes of God I see, dear dDan...absolve them of their sins, forgive their trespasses against other men. Judge them...and Judge me if you dare...

I wonder if your conception of 'crusade' matches the reality of that word, or if you are another mindless victim of a self-serving media. Should we call yor parents to ask them why you are so misinformed, or is this something you alone are responsible for?

Go cry to mommy...after all...she must be responsible for your words and actions, child that you are...

" often based in need or fear."

I ask again, are you a mind-reader? And I wonder if the devil himself came to you and said he was a good soul, but had rational desires and explanations for his actions, whether you would believe his story? I'm sure Bill Clifford's antagonists are rational people with thoughtful explanation as to why they broke his windows and kicked in his door...need and fear, indeed...My suggestion to you is to examine reality for what it is, not what your mind projects it to be.

"I repeat, locking people up or bombing them without any real understanding of why this it is necessary to do this apart from a subjective question of morality (they are bad women or men) can never solve the problem."

"locking people up or bombing them" are two different things, really. I realize you're doing your best to take jabs at the war, but not all analogies, jive...Do I need to read a killers mind to know that I need to have him locked up, quite possibly for a very long time? Do I fear he will kill again? Do, I do not fear it, I anticipate it. How am I to know the mind of a killer? How am I to allow the uncontrolled rage that led to the murder of a friend? Do I know the response? Yes, I do. I would pursue him to have him locked up, to be sure. I do have friends that think otherwise...friends that think no term of jail is long enough for such a heinous murder...As you might were you to stand where I stand...

Perhaps you've never had a friend murdered, had a gun held to your head...would you survive? Could you survive? Or can you only imagine such circumstances, imagine the facts, imagine the thoughts, the fears...or can you only imagine reality? I'm wasting my vitriol on you..."without any understanding of why this it is necessary" Look in the mirror dDan. You don't understand what is necessary to ensure that more of your friends aren't murdered as they walk the street by the hands of a man who *would* take their life.

Do unto others

I wouldn't kill someone for pleasure or personal gain, would you dDan? I wouldn't allow my rage to blindly murder someone, would you dDan? I would kill to save my family, would you dDan? You are no good man who would let evil take and ruin what is good...Or are you for evil, dDan? Can you so surely make pronouncements and proclaim your judgement without knowing yourself, without knowing about those that would bring evil to you? Yes, I believe you when you say: "I'd shrug off objections of being 'objecticvely pro-terrorism' " You know what they say about a life not examined? You do yourself and your fellow man no service without knowing yourself.

" apart from a subjective question of morality (they are bad women or men) can never solve the problem"

How about taking a look at "actual reality" instead of subjective morality for a change dDan. The reality is that there are people out there that would do you harm, people that don't give a shit about you, what you believe, what yo think or who you are....You are less than human, a waste of space, a target (not a victim). There are some who would run you down on the street which you live...and not even feel it, and do it again tomorrow to someone else...Do you understand the difference between retribution and prevention? The picayune of street violence doesn't compare in magntude to the destructiveness of states...Should we let these men who would rain/reign destruction walk among us?

I would unleash my fury, my destructiveness...my rage...to a useful (dare I say "good"?) purpose. I won't make excuses for protecting myself, for projecting my power to such ends...I make no apologies to you dDan...I need make no excuses to you. Nor to the rest of you who would stand idly by, throwing arounds words as if they had meaning, as if they would change men's minds, when everyone "knows" they're right...Your logic is contrived. You want to argue that reality is subjective? You want to argue against calling a spade a spade...you, sir, are a fool.

Do men who do bad things not exist in your world? Or do you consider murder of innocents not a bad thing? If you do then I would condemn you, but then I save that judgement to God. In this realm if you are a danger to your fellow man, you should be put away, removed from those you would harm. Have I made to far a stretch for you to stomach?

Nevermind punishment, what about prevention? You see the problem from one dimension: "without any real understanding of why this it is necessary to do this...can never solve the problem." You assume that this is the primary action to be considered, seeing things from the eyes of a killer, pondering what in his childhood left him with such a mindset that allows him to kill...wondering how he can be stopped before his fury is unleashed.

And are your words so strong to sway a killer, let alone me? You make excuses for evil men, letting them be free, while at the same time mistrusting a man who has fought and cheated death for your country, cheated death for your freedom. You are a shallow man indeed.

Today President Bush greeted a man, a soldier, in Baghdad. A man from his same hometown. How willing are you to save your fellow man from tyranny dDan? How willing are you to save your fellow man from enslavement? How willing are you to save your fellow man from the murder of him and his family. How willing are you to put your life on the line for your fellow man? You may be of that mindset that assumes a Yale graduate, along with a Masters degree in business administration from Harvard must neccesarily be an idiot, a fool, a cowboy. I've known many men of all stripes in my short time on this Earth. I know that intelligence is no measure of a man's character, no measure of his courage, no measure of his soul.

Where does your sould stand dDan? Or are you a whisper on the wind, unsure of divinity, mired in your reflections? You don't need to see your soul to know danger when it threatens you...Or are you mired in fear?

"I'd like to know just what exactly should be done to show them our thanks"

How about telling them "Thank you for your service" when you talk to one?! Is that too much too ask of you? Or do you not sincerely feel that way? Do you see them as ignorant tools of a corrupt regime. Do you not appreciate what he has done to help stop tyranny from ruling *your* world? And you wonder why you yourself are scorned and sneered at.

"apart from letting them keep their dangerous weapons of course."

Well...you must understand that eternal vigilance is a tiring thing, I'll just throw an ad-hominem at you to save writing a few page on this ignorant snippet dDan: you're a dumbass, oh, and good job double-posting there moron.

Dave, I understand you are still waiting for an answer...raise the voices of yourself and those who feel the same way you do...It's much better than the islamofascist method.

"but I would ask you quite sincerely NOT to try peddling the complete falsehood that any PM, or any government has ever treated ex-servicemen with anything other than contempt once their purpose has been served. There, that feels better."

WOW! Barf, you are a mind-reader that can go back in time no less!

I would ask you NOT to try peddling your ignorant misconceptions of all rulers and Prime Misters of the realm. I imagine you *do* feel better after spewing your inanity.

Dave, "In every other respect of his ministry I have no regard for M" I have no idea what Mr. Blairs domestic policies are, so I have no comment. I have enough domestic issues to deal with. But he has shown that above the cries of the pussies of the world, Great Britain is still our greatest friend, and is still willing to join us to fight anyone who would pull either of us down.

I would be there for you, and for my friends in Britain. As Britain is for me.

"How much easier it would have been for him to cop out - but he didn't."

Indeed, it's always easier to puss-out than to speak out and stand up for what is right. Not every nationality has such courage as we who are willing to kill and die for our liberty.

Is that too strong for y'all?


dDan, I hope you can break me of my misconceptions I have of you, as I would surely disabuse you of your misperceptions of me.

barf: "As for your speaking of the man as in any way similar to Churchill, does that ever show how little you know of either."

"Never in the face of human conflict has so much been owed by so many to so few."

True today as back then, but then it might be better to say:

"In Critical and baffling situations, it is always best to return to first principle and simple action"

Some would say: lets sit around and examine the mind of a ninteen year old and try to reverse those nineteen years of indoctrination to hatred and jihad, while hundreds more children around the world kill themselves and other innocents in the name of Allah...

How about we find the people that are guiding these children to their deaths and "take care" of them first and THEN worry about altering the misperceptions of those masses fed with hatred...So sit back you talkers, analyze the sitiuation, ponder your solutions (which you have failed to offer) and let the real men take care of business. I'm amused by those who proclaim that we have no plan, we're imperialists, we're making a grab for oil, or especially: that we are ignorant of the causes of this jihad against us. Is jihad too strong a word for ya? How about we ignore their source and just call them "terrorists"...sound more like they're out of the mainstream...somehow separated them from the hatred that feeds the masses that produce these killers, ay? Sit back and hide...


...run and hide you pussies of the world...we'll ferret out the madmen.

I fear nothing, and refuse to stand behind while evil can be stopped. The same can't be said for all men.

jamais arriere
Thursday, November 27, 2003
Yahoo! News - Iraq's Shiites Oppose U.S. Election Plan
"'This method alone is not enough,' al-Hakim said of the caucuses. 'In it we see the lack of real reflection of the will of the Iraqi people.' "

Who made this guy speaker of the Iraqi people? Not the Iraqi's.
Massachusetts Supreme Court Abolishes Capitalism!
"Mass. Supreme Court Abolishes Capitalism; Gives Legislature 6 months to Nationalize All Industry. "
CNSNews.com -- Commentary - Identifying Muslim Moderates

The Real History of the Crusades

'The Land We Dream Of'
"'The Land We Dream Of'
On my last day in Tehran, a fellow guest at the Homa Hotel asked where I was from. When I said I was American, I was greeted with wide smiles. I asked why. 'Because America is a dreamland. It's a dreamland for everyone, even the Europeans, though they don't like to admit it,' she said without hesitation. She said she was glad to meet me because, 'You represent the land we dream of. You make it real.'"
The Real History of the Crusades

Sunday, November 23, 2003
OpinionJournal - Featured Article
The creation of an antidemocratic fascist counterrevolution of Baathists and foreign Islamic volunteers, some of whom are from al Qaeda and Ansar al-Islam, is a classic unholy Middle Eastern alliance. These people have more support among the Arab media and in the studios of al-Jazeera than they do in Iraq.
Saturday, November 22, 2003
The American Spectator - Make Way for Moore
"'Say goodbye to your jobs,' "
Scotsman.com News - Latest News - Real Bush 'At Odds with Media Caricature'
"US President George Bush is “totally at odds” with his media image, Liberal Democrat foreign affairs spokesman Menzies Campbell said today."

WorldNetDaily: UK Muslims 'outraged' when asked to condemn terror
"We do not need lectures from a representative of a government that has conducted an unlawful war against Iraq,"

...hey you, suck my dick. Until the rest of the free world hears you vociferously denouncing terrorism and violent jihad, you are on teh other side of the battle...you make you, your followers, AND the whole of your religion an enemy of this state...If we had nazi's running around plotting shit, you KNOW we would hunt them and all their followers down...religion isn't a shield from retribution. You cannot hide behind your religion when you are complicit through your silence....
Friday, November 21, 2003
Chicago Boyz: The Boomerang Effect

Telegraph | News | Writer defends right to call Islam 'stupid'
Dalil Boubakeur, of the Paris mosque, said: "Words have a price. One can kill with a word. Freedom of expression stops at the point at which it does damage and the Muslim community feels insulted."

I've got news for ya, I have the right to insult you, as you do me...but who's words will ring true? Mine or yours? Mine, I expect.
lgf: France's Rushdie Affair
lgf: France's Rushdie Affair
Yahoo! News - Rumsfeld Slams Two Arab TV Stations
"Rumsfeld Slams Two Arab TV Stations"

lgf: Hizb'Allah Child Abuse

lgf: Papier-Mache Bush Head Fells Hundreds

FT.com Home Europe
"The European Union's racism watchdog has shelved a report on anti-semitism because the study concluded Muslims and pro-Palestinian groups were behind many of the incidents it examined."


Ole Espersen, law professor at Copenhagen University and board member for Denmark, said the study was "unsatisfactory" and that some members had felt anti-Islamic sentiment should be addressed too.

so should anti-black sentiment be addressed too?

WorldNetDaily: Alabama voters file suit to restore Moore
WorldNetDaily: Alabama voters file suit to restore Moore: "'It is deeply troubling to have an appointed, unelected commission remove an elected official from office,' said Rev. Patrick Mahoney, director of the Christian Defense Coalition, in a statement. 'The Court of Judiciary has overturned an election and crushed the democratic process through their actions.' "

here here
WorldNetDaily: Students threatened by Christmas?
"The Nov. 10 letter demands Principal Les Gray censor Christmas and insists the school 'must take immediate steps to comply with the constitutional separation of church and state.' "

So how does singing a carol create a law establishing a religion again? Where does it say "separation of church and state" again?

The population is starting to wonder IF YOU CAN FUCKING READ!

Arrington argues the words "separation of church and state" do not appear in the Constitution.

"The truth is that no court has ever ruled that public schools must ban the singing of religious Christmas carols, and no court has ever held that celebrating Thanksgiving and Christmas as religious holidays requires recognition of all other religious holidays," he said. "The ACLU has a different vision for America and a different vision for Colorado than our founding fathers."


Arrington argues the words "separation of church and state" do not appear in the Constitution.

"The truth is that no court has ever ruled that public schools must ban the singing of religious Christmas carols, and no court has ever held that celebrating Thanksgiving and Christmas as religious holidays requires recognition of all other religious holidays," he said. "The ACLU has a different vision for America and a different vision for Colorado than our founding fathers."


"The ACLU is already notorious for its rabid hostility toward America's Judeo-Christian tradition, but the Anti-Defamation League, originally founded to defend Jews, should know better" said Lapin, whose group is the nation's largest for building bridges between Jews and Christians.

The Anti-Defamation League, he said, has "defected from its original worthy mission and is now shamefully collaborating with secular fundamentalists."


Thursday, November 20, 2003
Why this protest is deeply shameful

Arab Liberal Writer: Blames Arab Media for Hatred of the U.S.
"In an article titled, 'False Interpretation of the Reasons for Arabs' Growing Hatred of America,' which was published in the Kuwaiti daily Al-Siyassa, [2] Munir Al-Mawari wrote: 'It is fortunate that the committee appointed by the U.S. government to study the roots of Arab hatred towards the U.S did not seek the help of Abd Al-Bari Atwan and his likes in the Arab media. Day and night, they promote lies and misinformation, and they [themselves] are a primary reason for the flaring of this hatred towards America among the common folk "
The Middle East is Dominated by Wilting and Exhausted Regimes
Despite all that, we see the heads of the regime in the Arab world, a regime… that has completely lost its authority, and that belongs to [the category of] totalitarian and single-party regimes and [whose members] adhere to hollow ideologies that breed only terror, hatred, and repression – they are the ones who are refusing to recognize the transitional Governing Council in Iraq. These people wave [the claim] that the Governing Council is illegitimate, has not been elected, and was established by the U.S. government and the American occupation administration.
Los Angeles Times: Explosive Concerns at Park
November 18, 2003

YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK, Wyo. — Far below the blue waters of Yellowstone Lake, a mysterious dome 2,100 feet across and 100 feet high is causing concern among scientists and citizens who don't know whether it's a harmless curiosity or a hazard on the verge of exploding.

The dome, also called a bulge or an elevated plain, is less than a mile from shore and was recently explored by researchers with the U.S. Geological Survey, using unmanned submarines and sonar.

"It could be the precursor to a hydrothermal explosion," said Lisa Morgan, a geologist leading the team. "It's a pretty significant feature."
Wednesday, November 19, 2003
WorldNetDaily: Democrats accused of racism on Bush nominees

WorldNetDaily: Hijacking the judicial appointment power
WorldNetDaily: Hijacking the judicial appointment power
TheStar.com - Cyber-dissidents under attack around world
"Authoritarian governments around the world, from Tunisia to Vietnam to Malaysia, are cracking down hard on the Internet in an attempt to stem the tide of alternative political information pouring into their countries. "
Case Open - Why is the press avoiding the Weekly Standard's intelligence scoop? By Jack Shafer
Case Open - Why is the press avoiding the Weekly Standard's intelligence scoop? By Jack Shafer
Tuesday, November 18, 2003
Case Closed
Case Closed
From the November 24, 2003 issue: The U.S. government's secret memo detailing cooperation between Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden.
by Stephen F. Hayes
11/24/2003, Volume 009, Issue 11

OSAMA BIN LADEN and Saddam Hussein had an operational relationship from the early 1990s to 2003 that involved training in explosives and weapons of mass destruction, logistical support for terrorist attacks, al Qaeda training camps and safe haven in Iraq, and Iraqi financial support for al Qaeda--perhaps even for Mohamed Atta--according to a top secret U.S. government memorandum obtained by THE WEEKLY STANDARD.

By Kate Allen Uk Director Amnesty International

Dubya? Eh?

THOUSANDS of people will take to the streets in Britain next week to voice their anger, frustration and political opposition to President George W Bush's policies.

Political opposition, how low are you willing to slip for political power? I don't expect a response, I wonder if I would get an honest one? *You* know the answer though.

Some will criticise these protestors, writing off their views as knee-jerk anti-Americanism. But the critics should think before condemning them.

Yes, of course proteters understands their opponents mindest so well that they know our intentions and thoughts better than we know them ourselves! :D More like "writing off their views because they believe their views are based on a knee-jerk assumption that its a knee-jerk assumption"


Why? Because after almost three years of President Bush's "war on terror" many would argue that the world is now a more dangerous and divided place than it was immediately after 9/11.

That 9/11 you're talking about is September 11th, 2001 isn't it? So tell me how 26 months is close to three years?

Countries don't protect freedom by attacking hard-won civil liberties, locking up thousands of people without charge or trial, and rushing through ever-more draconian laws.

What thousands of people are you talkign about? There are 660 at Guantanamo IIRC. Where are these other detainess? oh yeah, that's right, you assume the US isn't telling the world the truth...

You don't win the hearts and minds of the doubters and the disaffected by riding roughshod over human rights.

Who is defining human rights here? Who is trying to win the hearts and minds of the habitually disaffected? If you can't understand teh logic behind this war, if you can't free yourself from your blind rage, then i can't really spend forever trying to teach you 2+2=4. I've got real shit to do in the real world.

But you DO provide terrorists and extremists with the kind of propaganda they could only have dreamt of a few years ago.

Liars twist the truth...no doubt a liar would want to portray his enemy in the most unfavorable light...You, my dear, fall right into that camp too, to be sure...

Take Guantanamo Bay. What is the impact of the image of the orange boiler-suited detainees crouching in submission behind Camp Delta's chain-link fences?

That if you are going to jihad against America, you are going to get locked up...Yes, yes, I know...imprisonment sucks, so does getting a plane flying into a building. i know what you see...humiliation...you too, are a part of the "honor" crowd...so worried about appearance...would you murder your daughter to save honor for your family? To save the honor of your family because your two sons raped her and impregnated her? Killed her because she would not do it herself? Daughter raped by brothers, murdered by mother

Most people in this country seem to be revolted that nearly 700 people are held without charge or trial and without access to lawyers or family for almost two years.

"Most People" ?! This is more typical whack-polemic... "Most People" think partial-birth is wrong, wouldn't you say so? "Most People" think that they'd like to keep more of their money, and give less of it to the government, wouldn't you say so? "Most People" would agree that if Saddam was giving any comfort...ANY comfort to Bin-Laden, then he automatically has got to go...wouldn't you say so?

I imagine you would say no to all those questions, and yet you know better yourself...

How long do you think we've been following these Jokers? You think we had "no clue" as to whether there was a link from Saddam to Osama? You really are bad at this game, aren't you?

They question our own government's weakness in failing to properly stand up for the rights of the nine British men imprisoned in Guantanamo Bay.

"Most People"

RIGHTLY, they wonder whether our government would have been more robust had these men been held by a country like Iran or Syria or almost any other country besides the US.

lol.."RIGHTLY"..."RIGHTLY" they question your sanity. "RIGHTLY" they know you are wrong. "RIGHTLY" they see you for who you are..."RIGHTLY" they understand your worldview. "RIGHTLY" they oppose it...

There are issues in this world people. And there's a line out there. You can be on the RIGHT side of the line, or you can be on the left. How about this girl, tell us what YOU think, not what you are imaging other people are thinking...And please don't feed a line of crap telling me you're a mind-reader...

But, take the understandable outrage in this country and apply it to a Middle-Eastern country. When the manacled men from Guantanamo Bay flash up on Al-Jazeera television, for example, we can easily guess that outrage reaches new levels.

Oh, we've gone from revulsion to outrage now..."most people"...I see...you get all worked up, then start imagining all those muslims getting worked up ...Most people would RIGHTLY make that assumption...err..."guess" ... "we can easily guess that "

"we can easily guess that " you are a troubled person that needs to re-evalute your core values..."we can easily guess that " you are a nutball.

No Americans are being held at Camp Delta. Only non-US citizens.

Yeah, we have different laws for our citizens when it comes to treason. And what do you do with an enemy that doesn't adhere to the Geneva Convention? What do you do with a retinue of nutballs bent on killing you and yor children..hmmm...why I imagine you don't have any children...and if you do, be glad there are adults in this world to lead your country and that you aren't in charge...because if you and your ilk were, well...you'd be fucked financially at some point...I can just tell it....Who are you again?

John Walker Lindh, the so-called "American Taliban", was given a defence attorney and brought before an independent civilian court. Camp Delta's "enemy combatants", on the other hand, have to endure indefinite detention without charge or trial and no access to legal counsel or any court.

"independent civilian court. " you are so clueless...you pretty much write what you think and the facts be damned, eh? Go do some research on the American Justive Sytem, you obviously have no clue how it works or even where Lindh went...How the hell do you get this article in the mirror...WHAT THE FUCK?! you ARE stupid, it's incredible!!!!

And how are people supposed to come to agree with you when you have to mislead to make your point? are you a liar or what?

Hanging over them is the possibility of unfair trials, military tribunals with restricted rights of defence, no independent appeals and the threat of the death penalty.

Yeah, sucks losing a war, especially when you were in power, committing atrocities and living high off the lamb.

It stinks. And that's why Amnesty International plans to make its point - on the streets of London dressed in orange boiler suits.

lol.. "It stinks" and that's why Amnesty International has lost credibility..."It stinks" to put people in a shredder at-will and then have to live on the run..."It stinks" to kill thousands and put them in mass graves, and then have to pay the price..."It stinks" ...sheeet...


my God, I can't read the rest of this shit.
Reputation Is Everything: Honor Killings Among the Palestinians

woman who uses imagined facts

Oh lady you're making me head hurt at the thought of all the writing I'd have to do to properly fisk this.

Politics | Protests begin but majority backs Bush visit as support for war surges
Only 15% of British voters agree with the idea that America is the 'evil empire' in the world.

Ahhh...i see...only 15% nutballs?!



There is a clear gender gap in attitudes with a majority of men - 51% - welcoming the president's arrival, compared with only 35% of women.

So 35% of your women are smart? i'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing ;)

Anti-Americanism is strongest among Liberal Democrat voters but is still only shared by 24% of them and the majority see the US as the "good guys".

The Whacko-Ratio (tm): 24% of your left are nutballs :D They sure are a loud bunch, aren't they ;D !
Telegraph | Opinion | Blair proved a crucial ally in the liberation of Iraq
"If the war on terror has proved anything, it is this: there are only two countries in the world able and willing to project substantial military force around the world. The United States is one. The United Kingdom is the other. "

read the whole thing!
Monday, November 17, 2003
It's 'peace' psychosis in a nut's hell
"If the anti-war cause is so just, it seems odd that it has to be so risibly 'sexed up' by Medact and the rest, but the post-9/11 grand harmonic convergence of all the world's loser ideologies, from Islamic fundamentalism to French condescension, is untroubled by anything so humdrum as reality or logic. There's 'no connection' between Saddam and al-Qa'eda, because radical Islamists would never make common cause with secular Ba'athists. Or so we're told by pro-gay, pro-feminist Eurolefties who thus make common cause with honour-killing, sodomite-beheading Islamists, apparently crediting Saddam with a greater degree of intellectual coherence than they credit themselves. "
HELL YEAH! ! ! !

Check THIS shit out!

Props to my boyz out there



National Review Online (http://www.nationalreview.com)
"Critics now fault an American military that ripped apart Saddam Hussein's army from Kuwait to Kurdistan in three weeks for its apparent inability to restore civilization in the sixth months after the demise of Saddam Hussein's 30-year nightmare."

"Yet the conditions of the new warfare — instant and televised global media exposure, wide-scale pacifism, and postbellum terrorism — have made the need to destroy a reeling enemy before the shooting stops more critical than ever before."

"The so-called "highway of death" of 1991 was not quite the massacre promulgated by the media, but the subsequent (and mostly unreported) butchery in Basra and Kurdistan most surely was — and was brought on by the cessation of American bombs that allowed thousands of Iraqi killers to flee and then regroup to kill. "

"This rule of postmodern war? Before the cameras, the auditors, and the UN converge, before terrified fleeing soldiers are reborn as emboldened terrorists, before embedded reporters leave and investigative journalists arrive, and before victorious and unapologetic soldiers are asked to be peacekeepers, sociologists, and humanitarians, the military must finish the destruction of enemy forces in the unforgiving minute. After all, a colonel who blows apart an Iraqi Baathist in April might win a medal, but if in October he shoots a round off near a terrorist suspect's head to save the lives of his men, he can expect a court martial.

"Casualties. In the pre-battle hysteria over Iraq, the world deprecated America as afraid to accept casualties, a bully frightened by the "body-bag" syndrome. What a funny charge for a country that endured awful carnage from Gettysburg to Okinawa, and took thousands of casualties monthly in Vietnam! Instead, the truth is that an affluent and often wildly free America more than any other Western country can still accept battle losses — if its citizenry feels that such sacrifices are worth it. The key is to ascertain what constitutes such a vague and seemingly amoral concept as "worth it"?"

"Unpredictability. Conventional wisdom says that in fourth-dimensional, postmodern, asymmetrical warfare our overwhelming conventional power means little — not when a cheap RPG and a few illiterate teenagers can take down a $2 million chopper piloted by captains with MA degrees. The fear is that a parasitic non-West can import our weapons but not our costly military skills — and still obtain military parity of sorts, given our greater attention to human life, desire for peace, and disavowal of terrorism and other sordid tactics.

After all, we are wealthy and have much to live for; our enemies are poorer and have little to lose. Thus Israel ponders trading 300 incarcerated terrorists for the life of one Israeli businessman. The world accepts that none of the former will be abjectly murdered in custody, while the latter of course could and probably will be. American prisoners are raped and shot with impunity; their Iraqi Baathist counterparts cannot be so much as frightened. We cannot and should not change our values; nor can we do much about the fact that we use technology and education to protect our soldiers while our enemies use fundamentalism and ignorance to expend theirs."

"If France publicly castigates the United States, then perhaps recently purchased French rockets in Baathist depots can be used as backdrops at press conferences. "

That's MY bolding!

"Increasingly the Democrats seem to be self-proclaimed pacifists and neo-isolationists who profess an abhorrence of war — and thus in turn are granted the legitimacy to conduct military operations (with purported reluctance)."

...boy THAT's the truth! How much do we hear nowadays about how Clinton's expiditions? Or how the UN is doing in the Balkans?

"Consider Operation Desert Fox of December 1999. While mired in an impeachment scandal, President Clinton ordered four days of bombing against supposed WMD facilities in Iraq. Few claimed that he had bombed to divert domestic attention from his own political troubles, much less that the absence of any proof of destroyed weapons facilities suggested there was none there to begin with. President Clinton was not pilloried for either preemption or unilateralism — although he did not go to the Senate for approval; did not seek U.N. discussions; and he did not make the case that Saddam had first attacked us — and of course he sought no multilateral resolution. Nor was NATO or Europe involved. General Zinni oversaw operations and in a press conference confessed that perhaps as many as 4,000 Iraqis could have been killed, including some civilians. There were no peace marches, no condemnatory European editorials, and very few Republican allegations that in a year before a national election the United States had unnecessarily and cynically aimed bombs at facilities that were neither proven to have made weapons nor later destroyed. No retired general accused General Zinni of unnecessary war making or inflicting collateral damage — or called Clinton a "chicken-hawk.""

"Nevertheless, the present public perceptions and political realities will likely persist, since recent popular ideologies like multiculturalism and utopianism have become embedded in the postwar Democratic party. Both notions tend to characterize the American military not as a force for good, but as an extension of American pathology that legitimizes if not promotes an oppressive globalism, racism, sexism, colonialism, and economic oppression.

If one finds that stereotype unfair, remember the pathetic scene of a Gen. Clark during the recent Democratic debate, who castigated the president of the United States at a time of war while deferring to the wisdom of Al Sharpton. Take out a mass murderer, free 26 million, and you will earn charges of incompetence if not treason; slander a DA, fabricate a crime, and fan the flames of riot and racial hatred, and you will win respect from a Democratic frontrunner. For Republicans who must resort to war, the primary challenge will not be the fighting itself, but rather the perception that the United States was inherently wrong to have fought in the first place."

EXCELLENT article...you MUST read the whole thing!

Telegraph | Opinion | In the UN, Arabs have the ultimate revenge over Israel
The Fourth Committee (special Political and Decolonisation committee) regularly considers the atrocities of Israelis in their role as imperialist running dogs.

What else should one expect from the unelected?

Unesco, Unicef and UNRWA spend much of their time visiting Israel and condemning it. The General Assembly, unable to pass a single resolution condemning Palestinian terrorism, routinely condemns Israel and calls emergency sessions especially for the purpose.

...not a single resolution, eh?

The reality of the Middle East is that the very existence of Israel is considered a nakba - a catastrophe.

Telegraph | Opinion | In the UN, Arabs have the ultimate revenge over Israel
"In neighbouring Democratic Republic of the Congo, where three million people have died in the past five years of fighting, another UN Special Rapporteur described it as the 'worst human rights situation in the world'. She footnoted a special concern for the unlucky children named as 'sorcerers', who were maimed or killed for their witchcraft."

ahh...nothing like using the supernatural as a cudgel...old OLD School "LET'S KILL 'EM ALL" mentality...

"A discussion followed. The Syrian delegate strenuously opposed assistance of Israeli children and said the resolution was procedurally wrong. The Palestinian Authority's lady complained that the Israelis had "copied" their resolution. The situation of Palestinian children was "unique" she said - which it may well be, since most children of the world are not used as human shields for terrorist camps or encouraged to be suicide bombers so their pictures can be put up in grocery stores as "martyrs".

It is as if British children in the Second World War had not been evacuated to the countryside but rather placed around the War Office and anti-aircraft embankments. Afterwards, the PA lady conferenced earnestly for 20 minutes with a French delegate over procedurally thwarting the Israeli resolution so it would not come to a vote. The bluebottle returned to the most heated part of the committee room. "

Thanks LGF
Sunday, November 16, 2003
All Books Not Fit to Review
The NYT is like a drug addict that can't admit they use, or are addicted to their bias.
OpinionJournal - WATCHING THE NEWS

Conversation with Insider Iraqi محاوره مع مواطن عراق
My response to Conversation with insider Iraqi:

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Greetings All :D

One of the great things about America is that all voices can speak up and put forth their proposed solutions to any particular problem...Out of those many voices, a solution will come forward. The solution to any problem must arise first from the mind of man, and then to the pen.

"e pluribus unum"

Translated means: Out of many, one.

We are not only just a "melting pot" of skin colors, but also of ideas, problems and solutions... To all my Iraqi friends, I encourage you *all* to voice not just the problems you face, but also always to consider and pose a posible solution to that problem...Voice the solution you propose...Out of your many voices will come a reasoned answer. That answer is always in the mind of man, the world waits to hear those answers and to help implement those solutions (Well, at least we in the United States are trying to help)

Remember well, these days, those that want you to be free, and those who's care and love would have you still under the thumb of Saddam.

We do realize that there are those among you whom you would kill without remorse for the evil they have committed...We are not the best judge of the so many of those among you deserving of punishment, deserving of removal from your society. You the Iraqi people are the best judge of those among you. I imagine it would be difficult for and Iraqi to come to America and carefully discern the innocent from the guilty...to discern a man's lie from another man's truth...and so it is with us.

We would much rather have countries ruled by law, and not by men. Law is the collective force of a gathering of men...with none above nor below the law...but how are we to efficiently and so quickly make judgement upon people in a foreign land? To judge the innocent from the liar?

In times past one government would pas it's own judgement against another government, and meet out its punishment upon all...even the innocent. One government would punish another by breaking the will of all citizens...to so desolate the citizens of another country...

We are not that country.

We would rather save the life of the innocent and hunt the truly evil into the next day, than to "solve" our problem by utterly destroying a country...And so it is on a smaller level in Iraq now...we know that we could "step over the line" and be harsh, but those judgements and our actions are neccesarily slower than we all would like.

As we train more Iraqi Police and security forces, this will be less an issue than it is today...but the God's honest truth is that you can only train so many people only so much in one day with only so many people.
Yahoo! News - Extremists Decry Saudis' Reform Moves

Pentagon to launch 24-hour TV channel in Baghadad : HindustanTimes.com
"Pentagon to launch 24-hour TV channel in Baghadad"

That's right, you can get the important infomation first from the Hindustan Times ! :D
WorldNetDaily: Al-Qaida funding crackdown 'failing'
WorldNetDaily: Al-Qaida funding crackdown 'failing'

three words: "Great Rupee Deals"

two words: "Hawala Crackdown"

(talk about scaring people!)

...and what a suprise, Europe continues to show the world their effectiveness.


a. Having an intended or expected effect.
b. Producing a strong impression or response; striking: gave an effective performance as Othello.
2. Operative; in effect: The law is effective immediately.
3. Existing in fact; actual: a decline in the effective demand.
4. Prepared for use or action, especially in warfare.


see #4 esp.
Google Search: Know Thine Enemy
Google Search: Know Thine Enemy

so...I'm looking to make sure it's "know thine enemy" and not "know thy enemy" as I'm finishing my previous diatribe...

Google - Know Thine Enemy

The Guardian - Know thine enemy

Searched the web for "So long as anybody is terrorising established governments there needs to be a war". Results 1 - 5 of about 12. Search took 0.40 seconds

Searched the web for "So long as anybody is terrorizing established governments there needs to be a war". Results 1 - 7 of about 24. Search took 0.18 seconds.

Did you notice the difference, and notice the details of the results?

There are a multitude of sins that can be found in the journals of men...
Saturday, November 15, 2003
WorldNetDaily: Who's the real enemy in Iraq?
(note..I really need to edit this a bit)

"The picture being painted by the White House of a final resistance effort on the part of Saddam's regime may be inaccurate and misleading. And this will likely haunt President Bush in the very near future. "

Know Thine Enemy...

Men who raise their children with hatred and murder in mind for my children are evil.

And the Bush administration, loathe to inform voters that we are effectively at war with other Arab states, is playing along with this charade, at least for now.

I think it's very likely that there are two easily named enemies. If it is in fact the case that Syria, Iran, et. al. is in fact equiping and sending in insurgent guerrilla fighters, then an easily provable response can be articulated to that problem..."Regime Change."

To whatever extent ANY foreign government is using Islam as cover for promoting jihad against The United States, or any other nation of this Earth...They stand before God as an enemy to the rest of the peoples and races and creeds of this world.

I had a thought quite a while back: that I would never use God as a cudgel...

I really try *not* to do that...I try no longer to judge another man's judgement. In the face of evil I must rely on God's judgement for these men...I know God exists, I do not know his plan...I know that he has made us all a place of beauty, beauty that is plain to see..."beauty is in the eye of the beholder"...indeed. Beauty is all around us, and all inside us...you can look to the left, or you can look to the right...what you see is where you choose to place your eyes...

These states that are against us for an obvious reason. Would a Frenchman of the old order stand and fight against an oppressive murderous fascism as nazism? Yes of course he would, history has proved as much...The clear...

How does a man who advocates a war against you until you either capitulate of surrender your sovereignty to him, subjugate yourself to *his* laws? Put your life at this man's mercy...

"He's just a man"

...as are *all* those who lead people in the name of God..."but a man"...to deny this is to deny DNA's existence...to truly live in the nineteenth century. How would *you* judge me if I were to use the name of god to destroy you? I leave your judgement in doing to God the same. (intentionally a bit cryptic if not outright obvious)

how about this: I leave your judgement in doing the same, to God.

On Earth it is man's job to fight an oppressive evil...and oppressive evil tyrant, and evil oppresive man, an evil man...and men...

Does "New Europe" understand that in America, every man is a sovereign? Answerable to the collective might of his peers, to be sure...but do they know that deep within us, we refuse to be beholden to a king...a man...born as any other man from the womb.

We refuse to acknowledge that one man is greater than another, more due of rights and honors and priviledge than another.

You hold no dominion over me, you of another country, you of another faith. I do not give my sovereignty to any man. I Am Sovereign...I answer to God...And I tell you this, if you choose to abridge my sovereignty, I have no problem with my fellow countrymen eliminating you as a threat. IN FACT, you harming my fellow countrymen gives me cause to rally for your expedient demise.

These men, who teach that violence is the answer to his children's problem, these are the men who must be stopped from holding dominion over others...

Know Thine Enemy

jamais arriere

'He Is Latino'
They also identified Miguel Estrada (D.C. Circuit) as especially dangerous, because he has a minimal paper trail, he is Latino, and the White House seems to be grooming him for a Supreme Court appointment. They want to hold Estrada off as long as possible.
HTTP 404 Not Found - Worst terror attacks since 9/11
CNN deciding that this particular morsel of deception was too obvious....

From DhimmiWatch:

Worst terror reporting since 9/11
The dhimmis at Reuters have compiled a list of the "worst terror attacks since 9/11."

Charles at LGF points out one glaring problem with this list: "Not one attack by Palestinian Arab terrorists in Israel is listed."

Another example of PC dhimmitude is the fact that these attacks are identified as "some of the worst terror attacks around the world since September 11, 2001." The words "Islam" or "Muslim" never appear anywhere, even though all 20 attacks listed were the work of radical Muslims who were operating in the name of Islam. For all anyone can tell from this Reuters list, these attacks could have been committed by Free Will Baptists or Amish.

UPDATE: CNN, perhaps bowing to protests, has removed this list. The link above doesn't work.

From LGF:

CNN Removes Biased Terror List

Earlier today I wrote about a disgustingly biased list of “the worst terror attacks since 9/11” at CNN’s web site, based on a Reuters story that did not mention a single attack committed by Palestinian Arabs in Israel.

Now it seems that CNN has removed the page, although a link to it still appears at the top of their Middle East index.

Even though it’s gone, I should mention that at Dhimmi Watch, Robert Spencer pointed out another problem with the list: it never mentioned the word “Islam” or “Muslims,” even though every single act of terror it described was perpetrated by Islamic groups.

Friday, November 14, 2003
National Review Online (http://www.nationalreview.com)
The current situation is precisely the opposite. Today, an enthusiastic bipartisan majority wants to confirm judicial nominees, yet for the first time in our nation's history, a minority is stopping them.

Some of these "men" take their oath to uphold the constitution as a mere formality.

see also:

2003 Palestinian Authority Textbook Calls for Jihad and Martyrdom
I put this in the child-Abuse category...nothing like a little hate-indoctrination.
WorldNetDaily: Jeb Bush joke offends homosexual group
"But homosexual advocates suspect Bush's remark was 'anti-gay' because of the city's large homosexual population and don't consider it a laughing matter"

Of course you see it as insulting homosexuals, after all, yuou ARE at the center of the Universe, aren't you? That task force has got to have you doing SOMETHING to justify your position...A boy can always cry wolf...

..of course you don't realize that you (yes, "you" perpetually outraged homosexuals) and the rest of San Francisco are viewd as the stomping grounds of nucking futballs by the rest of us in the country...
My Way - News
My Way - News

No whre in this article from Al-Reuters tell us that this is the first filibuster of a Judicial Nomination to the Federal bench coming to cloture in the country's history...keep on talking fellas...that's what a filibuster is...to get the public so riled about the idiocy of one side or another that something breaks...

You are the party breaking apart Democrats, your actions contrary to the constitution only accelerate your demise.
" 'Have we really examined the question of whether bringing greater publicity to the film, broad charges of antisemitism and perhaps disenchanting those who are our allies in many struggles should be done in such a cavalier way?' "

How about this, you've so wrongly jumped the gun and gone hyper-sensitive...

Do you think Braveheart somehow led me to vengefull hate against "The English" for the wrong done to some of my direct ancestors in that film?

Yes, my self-described jewish friends...that would be fucking ridiculous...Just as it is really fucking ridiculous that I would somehow be holding a grudge agaisnt "the jews" for Jesus' death...

Puhlease...grow up

Sure, there are fuckign idiots int his world who will still hold it against you...Maybe you're projecting your view of Islam predjudices on us?

The fundamentalists aren't nearly as vitriolic and violent here as they are in your neighborhood...

Chiding Gibson's movie before it is even out, before it is seen (...and its not like you haven't heard some version of the story before...) a story that Gibson is just trying to film as exactly as he believes he can...you remind me of the Muslims in London bitching about a South Park Episode because Mohommed is shooting fire from his fingers...

And you Muslims need to learn how to deal with people's of different faiths...you either need to accept us of find a little piece of Saudi Arabia where you can all keep to yourselves...and get yourselves killed by the rest of us...

"Personally I think the strategy is correct," Korn said. "I was one of the leaders of the strategy."

STRATEGY?! What the fuck is wrong with you people?! you don't need a fuckignstrategy fro a religious movie of another sect...What strategy..to let everyone kmow that you're still over there? Are you becoming the ACLU, propping yourself up, and bitching that a black judge shouldn't get a seat on teh circuit court becuase she doesn't share your views?


The word "strategy" belies your ill-faith.

""I'm not sure if we're not playing into [Gibson's] hands,""

of course not, you're looking like fools....

I'd like to see statements from the Christian community on this

Here's one for ya:


How many versions of it have YOU seen? I know I've seen my share...But there's always room for another telling....Are you going to bitch every time a pastor or priest says "died on the cross" because it implicates that Jesus was killed by the Jews, and therefore the grammas gonna get so pissed off she gets here shotgun?!

or risk embarrassment when it hits theaters.

To late for those of us who try to keep up with what's goign on in this world...you're looking pretty shallow and self-serving from my end...

and could stoke antisemitism


Does Gibson's film direct or condone killing Jews? Please, you're knee-jerking...putting all your exoerience with Jihadist culture on us... WE AREN'T FUCKIGN NUTBALL ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALISTS>>>>HELLO!!!!!!

after which the ADL concluded that "The Passion" depicts Jews as responsible for Jesus' death.


You never heard the story before? This is old fucking news dumbass..


Jesus was born a Jew too ya know.

""I think it's important to confront these issues and alert the community,"


"Not having Gene, somebody of his caliber in that position, is not just a loss for the Jewish community, but for those who want to see religion and religious values working in a positive and constructive way. "

Perhaps if he had worked in a positive and constructive way, rather than in a way that involved a strategy, or perhaps if he hadn't assumed we're likely to become bloodthirsty savages after seeing and hearing the story of Christ's suffering, he'd be a better person for "interfaith affairs".


Thursday, November 13, 2003
Healing Iraq
This is my reply (not chopped up) To Zeyad's "Iraqis and the Media" post:


Zeyad, my reply has turned out so incredibly long...as it turns out, in the following I will occaisionally be directing my words to other audiences of readers...I apologise for any confusion up front...careful readers will know who I am talking to, and if I am talking to them directly...

I am going to respond to you as I read along...(IAGTRTYAIRA)...and forgo reading or responding any other comments here...for the moment...

I will also copy it to my blog for easier reading (and for my own record)
First of course, thank you for posting this discourse on what looks to be about the media...



THis is the first I've ever heard of this...I admit I don't catch every bit on tv news there is here...I AM an a.m. talk radio addict though...have been since I was six ;D

(and of ocurse lately a blog addict)

"largely due to the apparent professional style of these stations. "

yes, I would say that when CNN popped out of the womb, it looked pretty damn polished too...I have some Polish Remover in my bathroom (and not of the Eatern European Kind) CNN needs an equivalent mental Polish Remover to translate their message into an obvious image of the bias and world-view and agenda they crusade...(and no not the religious kind for those easily offended, or those who might interpret that as implying a religious connotatio)

But of course Religions are handy tools to push the agenda of madmen as well as prophets and God.

I think *THIS* crowd mostly believes in God...Entertaining those of you who don't "believe" is another line of reasoning entirely, which honestly is just an argument for a different line of thought...just bear with me)

Jews, Christians, Muslims...you all believe in the God of Abraham, right?

One God, One Creation...this *one* creation we share...

....and I hate to bring religion into this...because one might say *someone* over there is using a religious furor to condone the killing of innocents...the killing of these in an offensive maneuver?

This reminds of a Hatfield & McCoy scenario...but that's another line of thought too...

and now I've slipped off on a tangent...

Yes, professional looking style is INCREDIBLY important to a station today...I hope the right amount of money is goito this cause (hint hint, peel off some of that 20 billion to buy appropriate hardware)

"they both give a feeling of propaganda rather than balanced news"

Wow, that sounds like an entire discussion unto itself...

"Both are similarly awful. "


"Youth TV."

...this gets me thinking straight to the shit the Palestinian Children get to watch, and what subversion and lies are used to brainwash a generation, (or two, or three...or four...or......)

"seemingly because it displayed the latest pirated box office movies at the same time they were being shown in US theaters."

I'm curious...did they look like they were captured in a theater with a camera and tripod, or did they look pretty good? I'm curious at what point they pirated the movie...

What an interesting word we use for it too:



"It ripped off all the exclusive Egyptian tv shows from other Arab satellite channels."

DAMN! lol...I wonder, was this widely known and acknowledged, or was it something people in general weren't aware of?

"Its 9 o'clock news featured footages from every known news station in the world, "

lol...did Uday have a blog? ;D

""What do you need satellite receivers for when you have telvision Al-Shabab?"

NO YUO! - All your dishes are belong to us...hmmm...total control...so essential to a dictator...

"any stupid event or meeting related to Saddam."

ahhh the joys of state-run media...and what a joy to compete in a section of the world where so many states control the media...

Who will win the mind of the rational man on the street? Zeyad, I take you as a rational man...

"and hide it ingeniously."

Sounds quite the risky proposition indeed.

"We experienced two raids looking for satellites in the last ten years"

There you have it people...the state's enforcement of the "State Media" strategy...

Media is important, those of you on the right now how important this is, seeing first hand the bias of the left in our own media (most talk radio and the blogs I read excluded)

It is true, that here in the US, you can still turn to the Internet to find some nucking futball nazi spewing shit from his mouth...

There's a reason they cover their heads when they march in the public square...there are obvious consequences, not the least of which is that "some a'my boyz a'gonna fuck you up"

Not everyone here (read: blacks) are going to just sit around and seeth while the KKK marches through their hood...You can't just speak out here in America that you believe that another man is less than you, and that you call for others to join you in the removal, murder, elimination, relocation....genocide....of another race...of ANY group...because to allow one group allowed to do that would bring the downfall of us all...no one is spared when all are against another...

...thus the call for peace...

...but not everyone will listen, they will only hear the rage that is in their head...the rage compounded by years of frustration....perhaps...

In the short term...Saddam is such an insignificant man...he was but a thirty year blip in history...his madness will die out eventually...

Infuriated men bent on their honor, and murder, - are all doomed to fall eventually...

A religion that advocates the murder of innocents cannot stand the test of time either...there has always been another race, or group, or religion to beat them back...

Do you jihadists seriously believe that you can force the Chinese to follow Islam by force? By subterfuge...by murder? lol...

"The West" is no different...Our collective culture will not allow you to roll it over...You've stepped quite over the line with 9-11...

We WILL hunt yuo down and kill you. Those who would kill us, those who endeavor to dhimminize us...

Of course, you must realize how close a word dhimmi is to demon...

And I wonder who is really doing to work of God? Your lust for death betrays who rules you.

Do not think for a moment that men of God have not noticed. And to lead men to evil in the name of God is not something I would want to have to answer to my creator for.


"But it was really worth the risk, to get a small glimpse of the outside world."

You're a brave man Zeyad...It occurs to me that one argumentive tool you have to work with your Iraqi acquantances is their potential lack of exposure to outside media...


...or the like...

There's plenty of crap being fed to people, all around the world no less...

"Ironically enough, you can find a dish on every roof in Baghdad now,"

EXCELLENT!!! Now more than ever we need help in making sure the message is "right"... on so many levels...

" The silence is killing me!"


I'm going to take a look at this article:


...and start digging around more to find out about the stations you have mentioned...
Please tell Deepak thank you for writing 'How to Know God' Thank you for opening my eyes to see the synchronicity in creation that I see...Coincidences are the manifestations of my mind


Radio Ink - The Voice of Radio Revolution
The husband of Sergeant Jessica Macek, who returned from leave back to Kuwait on Saturday, told WNTA Talk host Chris Bowman that his wife says she may face a court martial for comments she made Friday.

IllinoisLeader.com Rockford correspondent David Hale heard Macek's comments on the Friday morning show. According to Hale, Macek said the President lied about the reasons America military was in Iraq.

knock knock...I know there's a person with a name on the other end...get with the times and make public blog-like commenting on your site.

You're linked from Drudge, feel free to get hipper now...

...and if that soldier called bush a liar, then she *should* be court-martialed...

In fact Bush could make a case out of her and explain away the ignorance that exists on the left
Wednesday, November 12, 2003
It’s Bagh-SPAN: Bremer Bunch Will Broadcast
The Pussification Of The Western Male
HOT DAMN! ! ! ! !
Continuing Engagement or Enlargement ... lol
lets try this again
have to get back to this
Tuesday, November 11, 2003
Catholic World News : Italian prelate rips Islamic anti-Semitism
"Rome, Nov. 06 (CWNews.com) - Cardinal Roberto Tucci has said that the anti-Semitism he has seen in the Islamic world is comparable to that of the Nazis. "
The Corner on National Review Online

...you heard it here third...or fourth
Monday, November 10, 2003
OpinionJournal - Outside the Box
"Democrats are stuck in the 1930s on economics"


Most people really don't have much of a clue about economics.

Live Free or Die
Sunday, November 09, 2003
Military: Jessica’s Comrades: Untold Stories From the 507th
" THE U.S. GOVERNMENT tried to portray POW Lynch as a hero of the attack."

It was the media that built her up to be a hero...and now they've gotten it into her head what the coverage back home was...Otherwise how would she know what the media coverage of her back home was?


I hate clicking into ignorance...I think I'll move along after the first lie...
Iraq at a glance
Saudi Information Agency
"Author of Saudi Curriculums Advocates Slavery"

need I say more?
lgf: "Slavery Is a Part of Islam"
"The main author of Saudi Arabia�s religious school curriculum comes out unequivocally in favor of legalizing slavery. (Hat tip: AD.) And this raving freak's books are also used in Islamic schools in Washington DC."
Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 153
"Palestinian reactions to the bombing of the convoy of the U.S. Fulbright academic review committee in Gaza, in which three American security personnel were killed, blamed Israel. The PA security forces arrested nine suspects, six of whom are members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) . Following the arrests, PLO Executive Committee member Zakariya Al-Agha stated that the PA would not extradite the detainees, and that they would be tried within PA territory by the Palestinian legal system. [1] A short time following their arrest, however, upon demands by the PFLP, its members were released. [2] "

WorldNetDaily: 'Corruption is essence of Arab regimes'
"'Corruption is essence of Arab regimes'"

yeah...like this:

WorldNetDaily: Arafat diverted $900 million, says IMF
"The International Monetary Fund announced yesterday an audit of Palestinian Authority funds revealed President Yasser Arafat had diverted some $900 million to a special bank account he controlled. "


"U.S. and European governments have complained for years that the Palestinian financial structure is not transparent and does not allow donors to follow their money to projects for the benefit of the people."

So, who's the bigger fuckign mron, Arafat for stealing, or us for acknowledging him for so long? (not to mention the billions that has gone there way)
Saturday, November 08, 2003
WorldNetDaily: '60 Minutes': Arafat has $800 million in bank
'60 Minutes': Arafat has $800 million in bank
From aid meant for PA, wife in Paris receives $100,000 monthly"

hmmmm...I see a pattern here...Arab madman diverts his people's money to his own ends...Where have I seen this before?!
WorldNetDaily: The globalization of U.S. courts
"Perhaps because she wasn't speaking to a group of lawyers or students of the Constitution, O'Connor placed an undue emphasis on matters having nothing to do with her proper role as a judge. But that's no excuse. She said what she said, and to lovers of liberty and the Constitution, her remarks should be exceedingly disturbing. "

Honestly, it is fucking disturbing...
OpinionJournal - Featured Article
"They argue further that it is unrealistic to expect too much from President Bashar Assad, whose grip on power depends on maintaining the support of his hard-line ministers and generals."

This is complete fuckign bullshit, we're dealing with Syria as a whole, not with their president. If he can't keep his generals straight that isn't our problem, it's his. Either they straighten up or they are next...

...I get this feeling they are next.
"There are two sides to every story but only one truth"
Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) - memri.de
"There were others who said we had to preserve the security of this base and this country [i.e. Saudi Arabia], from which we recruit the armies, from which we take the youth, from which we get the [financial] backing. It must therefore remain safe."

This would be Abu Dickweed taking about Saudi Arabia...
Friday, November 07, 2003
In a word, the media are arrogant. Their do-goodism clouds their judgment and keeps them in an elite opinion bubble. They're in a fog so thick it's near-impossible to see their own biases, which inevitably turn up driving their coverage.

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Palestinian Authority funds go to militants

Wednesday, November 05, 2003
OpinionJournal - Best of the Web Today
another HIGHLY recommended daily read...
Healing Iraq
a must read blog
WorldNetDaily: Evangelist's 'tone incited hatred of Muslims'
HAHAAHAAHAAA Muslims control canadian media...


WorldNetDaily: Democrats to raise doubts about America
Old, related demo-memo here...

...did I mention I don't trust people who refer themselve as "in the minority" rather than as...oh....say...A SENATOR?!

These people don't represent their constituents, they represent themesleve and their party, workign for their own power and glory, instead of working for their constituents and the American people. The Senate creates law for all American's, have they abbrogated their responsibility to the American people...it appears the answer is "yes" the last two years.
WorldNetDaily: Democrats plot using war intel against Bush
"'It's very hard for me to come to believe that the White House is going to cooperate on things which potentially could put them in a different light,' Rockefeller said. "

This is the problem with your party Senator...you start from a worldview of mistrust, instead of looking forward with optimism and hope, you view the world with a cynical eye...

...you do little service to your country...perhaps we should scrutinize and criticize your every action and words, and attribute cynical motives to *every* thing you do?
Tuesday, November 04, 2003
In Memory Of The 50 Million Victims Of The Orthodox Christian Holocaust
history is rife with brutality
Seattle Post-Intelligencer: AP - Middle East
"Sons, aides of top Iran cleric arrested"
The New Republic Online: Rooney's Tune
"Don't worry, Andy. The only people dumb enough to pay for this drivel are your employers at CBS. "
cooltech.iafrica.com | coolscience Lemming deaths: The vole truth
markets and peoples have bizzare cylces unto themeselves too
iafrica.com | news | world news Youths arrested over mixed-sex party
barbaric, really...
iafrica.com | news | world news Beauty pageant riot leaves one dead
"Officials of northeastern university had earlier banned a Thursday night end-of-term gala after objections from Muslims that a planned parade of young women would be offensive, especially during the holy month of Ramadan."

This is what happens when you cater to people's easily offended morals, eh?
NewsMax.com: Inside Cover Story
blockbuster...you must read
Guardian Unlimited | Guardian daily comment | Resistance is the first step towards Iraqi independence
Some weeks ago, Pentagon inmates were invited to a special in-house showing of an old movie. It was the Battle of Algiers, Gillo Pontecorvo's anti-colonial classic, initially banned in France. One assumes the purpose of the screening was purely educative. The French won that battle, but lost the war.

what the fuck are you talking about?

At least the Pentagon understands that the resistance in Iraq is following a familiar anti-colonial pattern.

dude you need to lay off the water-pipe...I'm trying to make a logical connection here to no avail...

which could have been filmed in Fallujah or Baghdad last week

I bet there are lotsa horses in that movie...

In the end, the French had to withdraw.

which war was that?
I think I mighta seen that movie


"As American "postwar" casualties now exceed those sustained during the invasion "

yes, after Iraq's army was properly destroyed...we can thank you nutballs for all of those deaths by the way...don't think we haven't noticed...

(which cost the Iraqis at least 15,000 lives),

war is hell

debate of sorts has begun in the US.

...more like the voices from the left are growing more shrill...

Few can deny that Iraq under US occupation is in a much worse state than it was under Saddam Hussein.

lol...i could say: Your poor command of the English language would lead me to believe you are a poor liar..."few can deny" I love that one...it's like you are are putting "I'M NOT LYING IN THE NEXT SENTENCE I SWEAR TO ALLAH!!!!!!"

"few can deny" really does not start off a good, logical, argument....

"few can deny" followed by such a subjective, ad factually wrong statement really is a screamer, I imagine you will be beating your English instructor this evening for such ineptitude and poor training, alas you are but a student, a fool who has not been taught properly...

...after all....

oh, and Iraq is better off than it was before the war, fool

There is no reconstruction

WRONGO!!! Are you sure you can read?

There is mass unemployment.

...war is hell...but then I wonder if youa re telling the truth here...

Daily life is a misery

not from what I've seen and heard from some people in Iraq I've tuned in to

and the occupiers and their puppets

I always love it when people use the word "puppet" It makes me wonder if their intellect has developed beyond that of a child..in your case I do believe you have been free from the rigors of serious, critical, thought...If that sounds a bit too "Western" a concept for ya, I got news for ya, you can't stop progress...glad to see you "officially" got rid of slavery a little while ago...nice move there...

...you're not TOO far behind the prosperous west...

would it be too cruel to call you and your cultures the losers? The fact may be hard for you to swallow, but know this...we will hunt down and kill every one of you who stand in the way of progress, and you who would terrorize our way of life...we will inculcate your culture with the benefits of democracy and freedom...concepts which apply to all of humanity, all of God's children...

you will be eliminated, there is no doubt...sure, you will die a hero in your own and some others minds...but then you will be forgotten...you bones spat on...your memory jeered...you cannot pass the test of time, nor of history...

"Few can deny" that we can kick your assses, destroy you utterly and completely

...In America, we "acknowledge no earthly sovereign other than them selves. " We have no plans whatsoever to allow human sovereignty over us...And we will fight, and we will kill to preserve our freedom.

We WILL kill you (more likely jail you forever) if you call for our deaths, if you care for and support those who would kil us...we will track you down...I imagine your heart must pound every time there is a knocking at the door.

The US doesn't even trust the Iraqis to clean their barracks, and so south Asian and Filipino migrants are being used.

Damn I wish they'd hire someone to clean MY toilet! Of course you would have your soldiers hard at work cleaning out their barracks instead of having them do something mroe important...in fact...I think you'd LIKE to have them cleanign their own barracks, so you could send along a little package of your own to all those "collaborators"

Proper use of one's forces...I imagine this must be why you can't get your shit together and beat Isreal into the sea. heehee

"This is colonialism in the epoch of neo-liberal capitalism, and so US and "friendly" companies are given precedence."

This is funny, I believe you make the mistake in thinking that we think like you think...A real colonial power would be out there grabbing up your riches, enslaving all your women...that's what YOU would do, wouldn't you?

Even under the best circumstances, an occupied Iraq would become an oligarchy of crony capitalism, the new cosmopolitanism of Bechtel and Halliburton.

lol...I think you assume that all our intentions are evil, and that evil source must always be searched for...you know it's there...

...after all...

shit my head is hurting
Nettavisen: News in English
Nettavisen: News in English - Norwegian minister demands modernization of Islam

"Erna Solberg, local government minister, demands that Norwegian Muslims modernize their religion to better fit the Norwegian society. "


One of the great things about being an American is seeing and feeling a part of yourself that you know comes from a particular heritage.

“Islam in Europe must function in another way than in Muslim countries, and Norway is particularly behind in this.”

“He must be able to learn the language, and be able to adapt to a new environment with different cultural codes,” Khan said to the paper. “Our imam is a scholar with eight years of university education. The reason why we have to collect him from a Muslim country is that there are not any such educational facilities in Norway.”

Then its time for a westen branch of Islamic thought...one that isn't looking to kill all the infidels...

and I'd like to add that eight years is a shallow amount of time to reach God...
lgf: Saudi Slavery
lgf: Saudi Slavery

more discussion...
Faith Freedom International :: View topic - Who wants a Dodge car in exchange of a slave?
Faith Freedom International :: View topic - Who wants a Dodge car in exchange of a slave?

...the topic says a lot...i'd like it if they could mention a publication name and date though...
WorldNetDaily: Hillary decries brainwash of child 'martyrs'
WorldNetDaily: Hillary decries brainwash of child 'martyrs'

Sen. Hillary Clinton said the Palestinian Authority is engaged in "horrific abuse of children," after watching videos provided by Itmar Marcus of Israel-based Palestinian Media Watch.

HOLY SHIT! Hilary has finally jumped on the right wagon (well...at least *one* of them)
Monday, November 03, 2003
Berri lashes out at Americans for heaping pressure on Syria
Berri lashes out at Americans for heaping pressure on Syria

It's funny how little attention we pay to what they say and how much attention they spend to what we say.
Guardian Unlimited | World Latest | In EU Poll, Most Call Israel, U.S. Threats
Guardian Unlimited | World Latest | In EU Poll, Most Call Israel, U.S. Threats:

"BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) - The European Union Monday condemned lingering anti-Jewish bias it said was reflected in a new survey, which found that many Europeans see Israel as a threat to world peace. "
Right-Thinking Comments - Patriotism
Right-Thinking Comments - Patriotism

For "right-thinking" people, here's my draft response:

I will retell the story of a *real* Patriot (and ancestor:) Joab Houghton:


Mounting the great stone block in front of the meeting-house, he beckoned to the people to stop. Men and women paused to hear, curious to know what so unusual a sequel to the service of the day could mean. Words stern as death fell over all. The Sabbath quiet of the hour and of the place was deepened into a terrible solemnity. He told them all the story of the cowardly murder at Lexington by the royal troops; the heroic vengeance following hard upon it; the retreat of Percy; the gathering of the children of the Pilgrims round the beleaguered hills of Boston; then pausing, and looking over the silent throng, he said slowly, 'Men of New Jersey, the red coats are murdering our brethren of New England! Who follows me to Boston?' And every man of that audience stepped out into line, and answered, 'I.' There was not a coward or a traitor in old Hopewell Baptist Meeting-House that day" (Baptists and the American Revolution; Cathcart).

This text, amusingly enough, came from a site deriding Mel Gibson for historical innacuracies in his portrayal of a revolutionary war minister. It wouldn't be the first time he's dramtized bits of history...I imagine "third time's a charm" but that's another topic...I also applaud the sacrfice made by men of the cloth in the cause of "righteousness and freedom." I pray the current generation reveal to their flocks the truth that we here know about how Palestinian and Muslim children are raised with hate and not Love...and I applaud the vatican for recently articulating a part of that issue so well...and again, I digress

but the money-quote up there is:

[i]And every man of that audience stepped out into line, and answered, 'I.' There was not a coward or a traitor in old Hopewell Baptist Meeting-House that day[/i]

...yep, they all joined...patriots...all of them...the same can't be said for those who stand on the sidelines and bitch. Bitching isn't patriotic, fighting for the ideals that your country stands for is patriotic...in our case that would be life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. (for those of you unable to connect the dots, I'm not explaining it all now)

I found the following Sir Walter Scott poem [url=]here[/url].

Breathes there the man with soul so dead

Who never to himself hath said,

This is my own, my native land;

Whose heart hath neer within him burned,

As home his footsteps he hath turned

From wandering on a foreign strand?

If such there breathes, go mark him well,

For him no minstrel raptures swell;

High though his titles, proud his name,

Boundless his wealth as wish can claim,

Despite those titles, power and pelf,

The wretch, concentered all in self,

Living, shall forfeit fair renown

And, doubly dying, shall go down

To the vile dust from whence he sprung,

Unwept, unhonoured and unsung.

-Sir Walter Scott.


History will forget the spastic "patriotic" naysayers, there's comfort in that...

Take a look at the patriotism article (and the Joab Houghton there is a different relative) (and you can thank a Houghton futher back for "Sir Loin"

So...I googled "Joab Houghton patriot" looking for his story, found the above rendition [url=http://www.zundelsite.org/english/zgrams/zg2000/zg0008/000808.html]here[/url]. Wondering what zundelsite is, I took a look around...turns out he is a self-described "Revisionist"...lol...complete with a disclaimer of sorts:

[i]The concepts expressed in this document are protected by the basic human right to freedom of speech, as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, reaffirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court as applying to the Internet content on June 26, 1997.[/i]

So who is more a _Patriot_ Garofalo? The guy using his right to free speech as a shield from incarceration, or the guy speaking (and acting) for a just cause?

OpinionJournal - Extra
OpinionJournal - Extra:

" 'the viewing audience truly saw how incredibly biased the other networks were:"

Sunday, November 02, 2003
Syria Warns That Its Citizens May Try to Attack Israeli Settlements in the Golan Heights - from Tampa Bay Online
Syria Warns That Its Citizens May Try to Attack Israeli Settlements in the Golan Heights - from Tampa Bay Online:

"Damascus complained to the United Nations about the air raid"


Stand upp and fight like a man or step back....


"A group of people might shell these settlements,"

"WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?!?"

I'm all for everyoen having a pistol....but I'd think my government would want to know if people are running around with mortars...what the fuck is so wrong with y9ou that you gotta go shelling people outta nowhere?


lgf: Palestinians Spit on US Again
lgf: Palestinians Spit on US Again
Saturday, November 01, 2003
WorldNetDaily: Terror-war obstructionists
WorldNetDaily: Terror-war obstructionists:
"But as Bush prepared for war, they did their best to dissuade him from acting, saying we needed the approval of the United Nations and certain appeasement-oriented countries to initiate the attack. To them, the inexcusable failure of the U.N. and other nations to bring Saddam to justice was reason to condemn President Bush, not the U.N. and those other nations. "

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