Orbit Rain
Thursday, September 30, 2004
GeorgeWBush.com :: Debate 1 Facts

BeldarBlog: I'm coo-coo for Cocco puffs! (And so's CBS News!)
more CBS related bullshit
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
OpinionJournal - Best of the Web Today
OpinionJournal's Best of the Web Today should be required reading...every day...


MoveOn's assumption that Republican and Democratic turnout can be expected to follow the patterns of 1996 and 2000 is highly suspect. This will be the first presidential election since Sept. 11 and the first national election since the Angry Left took over the Democratic Party. With America at war with terrorists and the Democrats at war with reality, it wouldn't surprise us if there's been a shift in party identification toward the Republicans.

Here's how the MoveOn ad concludes:

[George] Gallup [Jr.], who is a devout evangelical Christian, has been quoted as calling his polling "a kind of ministry." And a few months ago, he said "the most profound purpose of polls is to see how people are responding to God."

We thought the purpose is to faithfully and factually report public opinion.

The Angry Left's scornful attitude toward Christianity is another reason to think Republicans may be prospering more than MoveOn would like to believe.
Yahoo! News - Fox News beats all rivals

Deroy Murdock on Rathergate on National Review Online
"In the end, this process should yield indictments"
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Scylla & Charybdis: CBS and the Growing Evidence Tampering Checklist

Scylla & Charybdis: CBS and the Growing Evidence Tampering Checklist

Deroy Murdock on Rathergate on National Review Online - From CBS to the Slammer

OpinionJournal - A roundup of the past two weeks' good news from Iraq.

KRT Wire | 09/22/2004 | Iraq's confusing spectacle: signs of progress amid chaos

"Great Moments in Socialized Medicine"
great line from Taranto
Telegraph | News | Assad given weapons ultimatum
Since the heat is on, I'm linking this one too
Syria brokers secret deal to send atomic weapons scientists to Iran

Syria brokers secret deal to send atomic weapons scientists to Iran
By Con Coughlin
(Filed: 26/09/2004)

Syria's President Bashir al-Asad is in secret negotiations with Iran to secure a safe haven for a group of Iraqi nuclear scientists who were sent to Damascus before last year's war to overthrow Saddam Hussein.

Western intelligence officials believe that President Asad is desperate to get the Iraqi scientists out of his country before their presence prompts America to target Syria as part of the war on terrorism.

Monday, September 27, 2004
Media Research Center -- Notable Quotables -- 9/27/2004 -- Media Research Center

The Baldwin Project: Fifty Famous Stories Retold by James Baldwin
IN Scotland, in the time of King Robert Bruce, there lived a brave man whose name was Douglas. His hair and beard were black and long, and his face was tanned and dark; and for this reason people nicknamed him the Black Douglas. He was a good friend of the king, and one of his strongest helpers.

In the war with the English, who were trying to drive Bruce from Scotland, the Black Douglas did many brave deeds; and the English people became very much afraid of him. By and by the fear of him spread all through the land. Nothing could frighten an English lad more than to tell him that the Black Douglas was not far away. Women [36] would tell their children, when they were naughty, that the Black Douglas would get them; and this would make them very quiet and good.

There was a large castle in Scotland which the English had taken early in the war. The Scottish soldiers wanted very much to take it again, and the Black Douglas and his men went one day to see what they could do. It happened to be a holiday, and most of the English soldiers in the castle were eating and drinking and having a merry time. But they had left watchmen on the wall to see that the Scottish soldiers did not come upon them unawares; and so they felt quite safe.

In the evening, when it was growing dark, the wife of one of the soldiers went up on the wall with her child in her arms. As she looked over into the fields below the castle, she saw some dark objects moving toward the foot of the wall. In the dusk, she could not make out what they were, and so she pointed them out to one of the watchmen.

"Pooh, pooh!" said the watchman. "Those are nothing to frighten us. They are the farmer's cattle, trying to find their way home. The farmer himself is enjoying the holiday, and he has forgotten to bring them in. If the Douglas should happen this way before morning, he will be sorry for his carelessness."

[37] But the dark objects were not cattle. They were the Black Douglas and his men, creeping on hands and feet toward the foot of the castle wall. Some of them were dragging ladders behind them through the grass. They would soon be climbing to the top of the wall. None of the English soldiers dreamed that they were within many miles of the place.

The woman watched them until the last one had passed around a corner out of sight. She was not afraid, for in the darkening twilight they looked indeed like cattle. After a little while she began to sing to her child:—

"Hush ye, hush ye, little pet ye,

Hush ye, hush ye, do not fret ye,

The Black Douglas shall not get ye."

All at once a gruff voice was heard behind her, saying, "Don't be so sure about that!"

"Don't be so sure about that!"

She looked around, and there stood the Black Douglas himself. At the same moment a Scottish soldier climbed off a ladder and leaped upon the wall; and then there came another and another and another, until the wall was covered with them. Soon there was hot fighting in every part of the castle. But the English were so taken by surprise that they could not do much. Many of them were killed, and in a little while the Black Douglas [38] and his men were the masters of the castle, which by right belonged to them.

As for the woman and her child, the Black Douglas would not suffer any one to harm them. After a while they went back to England; and whether the mother made up any more songs about the Black Douglas I cannot tell.

Nursery Bogies - www.ezboard.com
Nursery Bogies - www.ezboard.com: "Re: Nursery Bogies

In Scotland during the War for Independence (Robert the Bruce et al) the Bruce's right hand man The Black Douglas became such a bogie to the English and their Scottish toadies. Jamie Douglas and his handpicked men seemed to be able to get into any castle they wanted to. And the little rhyme to put babes to sleep became:

'Ah, hush ye, dinna fret thee,
The Black Douglas, he's nay gonna get ye.'

So (the story goes) sang one nurse walking the turrets one night with a fretful child when a mailed hand touched her shoulder and a voice whispered to her, 'I wouldna be so sure o' that!'

Jane "
The Democratic Guide to Stealing Elections

Sunday, September 26, 2004
Did You Know? - Robert the Bruce's Heart

Current Electoral Vote Predictor 2004

lgf: Kerry Meltdown Watch
#32 Orbit Rain 9/26/2004 09:02PM PST
...and what will it say to the American people, with so many lawyers added to the democratic payroll?


...yeah...go ahead and hire all those lawyers, they didn't have anything more important to do, do they?

#8 NC wouldn't get too confident. The jihadis are bound to step it up in Iraq as we get closer to the election. And that will swing a few votes to the Democrats, no matter how much we wish it wasn't so.
I tend to think that the more bullshit those assholes pull, the more I'm going to be hearing "we should turn it into glass" like I was a year ago from people woefully ill-informed by our loyal media *cough*...

People know the democrats are pussies when it comes to national defense...apologies for being so blunt, but I too am tired of hearing the same bullshit from the left...tired of hearing the same lame-ass excuses for pussing out when it comes to bearing our responsibility to be leaders in this world...

There IS a reason WE are world leaders...because when it comes to standing up the biggest assholes in this world, we don't back down.

excuse me for being so "uncontinental"


If thee weren't so many petulant children on the other side of the isle running the show, we might actually fix a few of the serious problems in this world a bit quicker.

...such assholes...

ABILITY Magazine | Interview with Bob Dole by Chet Cooper
In 1942, at the age of 19, Bob Dole joined the Army to fight in World War II. He became a second lieutenant in the Army's 10th Mountain Division, and in the spring of 1943, found himself in the hills of Italy fighting the Nazi Germans. Under a heavy shelling attack, Dole saw the Army radioman go down. He crawled out of his foxhole to try to rescue the wounded soldier, but was instead hit by gunfire himself. After the battle, the medics thought Dole would die, however Dole did survive with a shattered right shoulder, fractured vertebrae in his neck and spine, paralysis from the neck down, metal shrapnel throughout his body and a damaged kidney. The doctors did not think that Dole would ever walk again. Dole was decorated twice. He received two Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star with Oakleaf Cluster. Dole then received extensive rehabilitation and nine surgeries. Four years later, Dole had achieved a significant recovery. The story is that to this day, Dole still has the cigar box with receipts of donations of the monies collected for his hospital bills by Dawson's Drug Store and the people of Russell, Kansas. He keeps this as a reminder of their generosity and love.

lgf: Kerry Meltdown Watch
#40 William 9/26/2004 06:27PM PST
When will Kerry address these remarks:

"Those who doubted whether Iraq or the world would be better off without Saddam Hussein, and those who believe today that we are not safer with his capture, don't have the judgment to be President or the credibility to be elected President."

- John Kerry
December 16, 2003


"I think Iraq is the most serious and imminent threat to our country."

- John Edwards
February 24, 2002

BeldarBlog: A challenge to those who claim that the SwiftVets' allegations have been "debunked" or are "unsubstantiated"

BeldarBlog: A challenge to those who claim that the SwiftVets' allegations have been "debunked" or are "unsubstantiated"

Scotland on Sunday - International - Help in the grip of evil
“What is laughable is the insistence of the ministers of all infidel nationalities on the phrase ‘no negotiations’. As if there was any question of negotiation. Far from it - they must obey the demands of the Mujahadeen. If you refuse, we slaughter.”
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Who are Hamas?

President's Remarks at the United Nations General Assembly

New York, 21 September 2004 - Secretary-General's address to the General Assembly

Google Search: blogs laptops

lgf: They Smile In Your Face
"10 Dar ul Harb
N.B.: Kos seems to think the NYT is too right wing..."

BWUAHAAHAAAAHAAAA! I don't recall the reason I've only seen him a few times...He must be gathering that section of the brainwashed and pseudo-intellectuals that somehow put together ALL BIG BUSINESS=REPUBLICANS...including and especially "the media"...

puhlease...some people are like petulant children...

It's only the strict moderation at places like DU that can keep these memes alive and insulated from destruction....

...maybe their numbers are a good indicator of how many dumbass 20 somethings with computers think they're contributing to the advancement of society...

brainwashed, slow-witted, self-promoters, irrational...etc. etc. ... we know these and many other types exist in this world, but do they? DO they know where they are? Do they sit there with such and ignorance of self? I suppose they must, must deny their motivations, methods, reason and logic...they lose as they spin deeper in to despair, hate, militancy...


...of course that isn't ALL of them...

I hope they see the light

...but that's just me...

Middle East Institute - "The Darfur Tragedy"
I'll have to print and read this one...
Program ID 183593 - 2 Political Influence of Bloggers
oh, THIS should be interesting:

Political Influence of Bloggers
C-SPAN, Washington Journal
Washington, District of Columbia (United States)
ID: 183593 - 2 - 09/26/2004 - 0:30 - No Sale

Klam, Matthew, Contributor, [New York Times] Magazine

Mr. Klam talks about his cover story in the New York Times magazine on bloggers and their growing influence on politics. He will respond to telephone calls, faxes, and electronic mail from viewers.
Signs of an earlier American

The New York Times > Science > Antarctic Glaciers Quicken Pace to Sea; Warming Is Cited

Saturday, September 25, 2004
The American Thinker

Muslims rule major Swedish city


BostonHerald.com - Local/ Regional News: CBS cancels '60 Minutes' story on rationale for war
" CBS News spokeswoman Kelli Edwards would not elaborate on why the timing of the Iraq report was considered inappropriate. "

...because getting anything close to the truth out there would not only be "innappropriate" for CBS, it would also be unheard of...

...welcome to your demise CBS!

lgf: Kerry's own words
Thanks Geepers
"I will be voting to give the president of the United States the authority to use force - if necessary - to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security." -- John F. Kerry, Oct 2002

"The threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real, but as I said, it is not new. It has been with us since the end of that war, and particularly in the last 4 years we know after Operation Desert Fox failed to force him to reaccept them, that he has continued to build those weapons. He has had a free hand for 4 years to reconstitute these weapons, allowing the world, during the interval, to lose the focus we had on weapons of mass destruction and the issue of proliferation." -- John Kerry, October 9, 2002

"(W)e need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime. We all know the litany of his offenses. He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation. ...And now he is miscalculating America’s response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction. That is why the world, through the United Nations Security Council, has spoken with one voice, demanding that Iraq disclose its weapons programs and disarm. So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real, but it is not new. It has been with us since the end of the Persian Gulf War." -- John Kerry, Jan 23, 2003

gee...no WMD here

"Simply censoring anything that contradicts your opinion is ideologically lazy and ultimately self-defeating. "
Man who swore Bush into Air Guard speaks out

-| tripias.com |- State by State 2004

Intellectual Morons by Daniel Flynn

Friday, September 24, 2004
Media Credibility Reaches Lowest Point in Three Decades

Thursday, September 23, 2004
Liberal Journalists Are From Mars
One of the footnotes of Rathergate is the disconnect between liberals and anyone to the right of, well, them. Take the general media reaction to Charles Johnson, the Los Angeles web designer and former jazz musician who typed up those CBS "memos" in Microsoft Word and still displays the damning result at the top of his Little Green Footballs blog.
The Assault on Judicial Nominations

Rove scoffs at charge he was CBS source

The American Thinker - Who knew?

Wednesday, September 22, 2004
The U.N.? Who Cares?
"It abdicates its responsibility of ostracizing those states that harbor such mass murderers, much less organizes a multilateral posse to bring them to justice. "
Wired News: Blogging the Story Alive
My first thought was if bloggers had no credibility then why was this guy on my television, defending CBS?
OpinionJournal - Best of the Web Today
"Terror advocates are 'peace activists,' and telling secondhand lies is 'speaking truth to power.' It's just another day in the fake but accurate world of American liberalism."
Civil war at '60 Minutes'

Tuesday, September 21, 2004
'The Scandal Hasn't Hit Bottom by a Long Shot'

WorldNetDaily: Just a few more questions, Sen. Kerry
"I am gratified that John Kerry has finally decided to bring his campaign into the present millennium and focus on Iraq. Now, let's have a genuine discussion about that issue. "

I have to say, Kerry, as a political tactician...sucks...
Al Qaeda seen planning for 'spectacular' attack - The Washington Times: Nation/Politics - September 21, 2004

CBS backs off Guard story

Interest!ALERT: Quality Content
might as well memorialize this bullshit too

Dems admit bad documents, but push charges

WASHINGTON, Sept. 20 (UPI) -- Democrats Monday acknowledged some documents it touted in attacking President Bush's U.S. military record were false, but continued to push other evidence.

"Now that we know what's not true, let's focus on the facts," Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe said in a statement regarding CBS's News' apology for broadcasting a Sept. 8 story about Bush's military service based on documents of dubious merit.

"Today we learned that George Bush did not earn enough points to qualify for an honorable discharge and that he has given three different explanations for why he missed his physical," McAuliffe continued in the statement.

"The American people already know that strings were pulled to get President Bush into the Guard; and while in the Guard he missed months of service and was grounded. ... But what we still don't know is why Bush didn't fulfill his duty to his country or why he has continued to lie to the American people about it," he said.

Democrats had used the CBS report in their charges that Bush did not fulfill his duty in the Texas Air National Guard during the Vietnam War.

Copyright 2004 by United Press International.
All rights reserved.
Interest!ALERT: Quality Content
"WASHINGTON, Sept. 20 (UPI) -- Democrats Monday acknowledged some documents it touted in attacking President Bush's U.S. military record were false, but continued to push other evidence. "

waiting for godot
Monday, September 20, 2004
DNC News: Bush Lied
lol...still quoting forged memos, how quaint!

G O P.com :: RNC Chairman Ed Gillespie Statement on CBS

DRUDGE REPORT FLASH 2004 - Andrew Heyward Internal E-Mail to CBS News Employees
Andrew Heyward Internal E-Mail to CBS News Employees
Mon Sep 20 2004 13:25:11 ET

Dear CBS News Colleagues,

Many of you have expressed understandable concern about the disputed documents used in the 60 MINUTES WEDNESDAY report on President Bush's service in the Texas Air National Guard.

Obviously, 60 MINUTES WEDNESDAY had full confidence in the original report or it would not have aired. However, in the wake of serious and disturbing questions that came up after the broadcast, CBS News has done extensive additional reporting in an effort to confirm the documents' authenticity. That included interviews with Marian Carr Knox, secretary to the late Lt. Col. Jerry Killian, the officer named as the author of the documents; an interview with Bill Burkett, the former Guard officer who provided the memos to 60 MINUTES WEDNESDAY; and a further review of the forensic evidence on both sides of the debate.

Based on what we now know, CBS News cannot prove that the documents are authentic, which is the only acceptable journalistic standard to justify using them in the report. We should not have used them. That was a mistake, which we deeply regret.

CBS News and CBS management are commissioning an independent review of the process by which the report was prepared and broadcast to help determine what actions need to be taken. The names of the people conducting the review will be announced shortly, and their findings will be made public.

Nothing is more important to us than our credibility and keeping faith with the millions of people who count on us for fair, accurate, reliable, and independent reporting. I know all of you work tirelessly to be worthy of that trust. I hope today's public statements about the documents are an important first step in restoring YOUR confidence in the standards and systems we have in place to ensure that we live up to our obligations to our viewers, listeners, and readers -- and to one another.


The News Media: CBS News Concludes It Was Misled on National Guard Memos, Network Officials Say
What a story


September 20, 2004
CBS News Concludes It Was Misled on National Guard Memos, Network Officials Say

fter days of expressing confidence about the documents used in a "60 Minutes'' report that raised new questions about President Bush's National Guard service, CBS News officials have grave doubts about the authenticity of the material, network officials said last night.

The officials, who asked not to be identified, said CBS News would most likely make an announcement as early as today that it had been deceived about the documents' origins. CBS News has already begun intensive reporting on where they came from, and people at the network said it was now possible that officials would open an internal inquiry into how it moved forward with the report. Officials say they are now beginning to believe the report was too flawed to have gone on the air.

But they cautioned that CBS News could still pull back from an announcement. Officials met last night with Dan Rather, the anchor who presented the report, to go over the information it had collected about the documents one last time before making a final decision. Mr. Rather was not available for comment late last night.

The report relied in large part on four memorandums purported to be from the personal file of Mr. Bush's squadron commander, Lt. Col. Jerry B. Killian, who died 20 years ago. The memos, dated from the early 1970's, said that Colonel Killian was under pressure to "sugar coat'' the record of the young Lieutenant Bush and that the officer had disobeyed a direct order to take a physical.

Mr. Rather and others at the network are said to still believe that the sentiment in the memos accurately reflected Mr. Killian's feelings but that the documents' authenticity was now in grave doubt.

The developments last night marked a dramatic turn for CBS News, which for a week stood steadfastly by its Sept. 8 report as various document experts asserted that the typeface of the memos could have been produced only by a modern-day word processor, not Vietnam War-era typewriters.

The seemingly unflappable confidence of Mr. Rather and top news division officials in the documents allayed fears within the network and created doubt among some in the news media at large that those specialists were correct. CBS News officials had said they had reason to be certain that the documents indeed had come from the personal file of Colonel Killian.

Sandy Genelius, a network spokeswoman, said last week, "We are confident about the chain of custody; we're confident in how we secured the documents.''

But officials decided yesterday that they would most likely have to declare that they had been misled about the records' origin after Mr. Rather and a top network executive, Betsy West, met in Texas with a man who was said to have helped the news division obtain the memos, a former Guard officer named Bill Burkett.

Mr. Rather interviewed Mr. Burkett on camera this weekend, and several people close to the reporting process said his answers to Mr. Rather's questions led officials to conclude that their initial confidence that the memos had come from Mr. Killian's own files was not warranted. These people indicated that Mr. Burkett had previously led the producer of the piece, Mary Mapes, to have the utmost confidence in the material.

It was unclear last night if Mr. Burkett had told Mr. Rather that he had been misled about the documents' provenance or that he had been the one who did the misleading.

In an e-mail message yesterday, Mr. Burkett declined to answer any questions about the documents.

Yesterday, Emily J. Will, a document specialist who inspected the records for CBS News and said last week that she had raised concerns about their authenticity with CBS News producers, confirmed a report in Newsweek that a producer had told her that the source of the documents said they had been obtained anonymously and through the mail.

In an interview last night she declined to name the producer who told her this but said the producer was in a position to know. CBS News officials have disputed her contention that she warned the network the night before the initial "60 Minutes'' report that it would face questions from documents experts.

In the coming days CBS News officials plan to focus on how the network moved ahead with the report when there were warning signs that the memorandums were not genuine.

Ms. Will is one of two documents experts consulted by the network who said they raised doubts about the material before the segment was broadcast. Another expert, Marcel B. Matley, said in interviews that he had vouched only for Colonel Killian's signatures on the records and not the authenticity of the records themselves. Mr. Matley said he could not rule out that the signatures had been cut and pasted from official records pertaining to Colonel Killian.

In examining where the network had gone wrong, officials at CBS News turning their attention to Ms. Mapes, one of their most respected producers, who was riding particularly high this year after breaking news about the Abu Ghraib prison scandal for the network.

In a telephone interview this weekend, Josh Howard, the executive producer of the "60 Minutes'' Wednesday edition, said that he did not initially know who was Ms. Mapes' primary source for the documents but that he did not see any reason to doubt them. He said he believed Ms. Mapes and her team had appropriately answered all questions about the documents' authenticity and, he noted, no one seemed to be casting doubt upon the essential thrust of the report.

"The editorial story line was still intact, and still is, to this day,'' he said, "and the reporting that was done in it was by a person who has turned in decades of flawless reporting with no challenge to her credibility.''


He added, "We in management had no sense that the producing team wasn't completely comfortable with the results of the document analysis.''

Ms. Mapes has not responded to requests for comment.

Mr. Howard also said in the interview that the White House did not dispute the veracity of the documents when it was presented to them on the morning of the report. That reaction, he said, was "the icing on the cake'' of the other reporting the network was conducting on the documents. White House officials have said they saw no reason to challenge documents being presented by a credible news organization.

lol...you should have known better

Several people familiar with the situation said they were girding for a particularly tough week for Mr. Rather and the news division should the network announce its new doubts.

One person close to the situation said the critical question would be, "Where was everybody's judgment on that last day?''

...that last day they were percieved as "credible"?

Michelle Malkin: The death cry of snob journalism
As the saying goes in the blogosphere: Bwah-hah-hah

Sunday, September 19, 2004
washingtonpost.com: CBS Talks With Suspected Source of Documents

OpinionJournal - Kofi's Law - Why the U.N. has no moral standing.

Kofi Annan's Iraq Blunder

Telegraph | News | Agent behind fake uranium documents worked for France
Telegraph | News | Agent behind fake uranium documents worked for France: "Agent behind fake uranium documents worked for France"
TIME canada.com - Blue Truth, Red Truth
where's the "printer-friendly on this one?

Good Lord, I'll have to get back to this one.

The CBS flap is one more sign of the ferocious struggle between political partisans to see the world their way

Pat Buchanan: Dan Rather: The Final Days
" Rather thought he had a story that could bring down a president. Instead, he has ravaged what remains of the reputation of CBS News and made of himself a cartoon caricature of liberal bias. His stonewalling defense of his Guard story will be studied in journalism schools alongside the frauds perpetrated by Jayson Blair and Janet Cooke."
Readers' trust in bloggers in question: Internet critics of CBS turn out to have Republican ties - billingsgazette.com
Funny how headlines give things away...please note the content of this and the previous link are the same...only the headlines have changed.
Chicago Tribune | True or false: Blogs always tell it straight

washingtonpost.com: The Paper Trail

Chicago Tribune | A rare look at secretive Brotherhood in America
"They have this idea that Muslims come first, not that humans come first,"
WorldNetDaily: Old Media's disproportionate interest in Bush past
WorldNetDaily: Old Media's disproportionate interest in Bush past: "What does it say about the Old Media that they are wholly uninterested in gravely serious and highly relevant charges against John Kerry, yet investigate to death relatively minor and largely irrelevant claims against President Bush? "
Yahoo! Groups : Texas-Democrats Messages : Message 7167 of 7283

Bush Raises Questions About CBS Documents

Saturday, September 18, 2004
Allah Is In The House:
Allah Rocks!
In the Rush for a Scoop, CBS Found Trouble Fast

Corante > The Importance of... > Real Time Fact Checking

washingtonpost.com: Parallels Drawn Between CBS Memos, Texan's Postings
In e-mail messages to a Yahoo discussion group for Texas Democrats, Burkett laid out a rationale for using what he termed "down and dirty" tactics against Bush. He said that he had passed his ideas to the Democratic National Committee but that the DNC seemed "afraid to do what I suggest."

Parallels Drawn Between CBS Memos, Texan's Postings

Yahoo! News - Ex-Guardsman: I Contacted Kerry Campaign
"Burkett said he saw documents from Bush's file discarded in a trash can a few days later at Camp Mabry in Austin. Burkett described them as performance and pay documents. Allbaugh and James denied the allegations. "

ABCNEWS.com : Guard Officer Denies Seeking Help for Bush

Charles Krauthammer: Nowhere left to flop
Is Iraq part of the war on terror or a cynical distraction from it? ``And everything (Bush) did in Iraq, he's going to try to persuade people it has to do with terror, even though everybody here knows that it has nothing whatsoever to do with al Qaeda and everything to do with an agenda that they had preset, determined.''

That was April 2004. Of course, shortly after 9/11, Kerry was saying the opposite. ``I think we clearly have to keep the pressure on terrorism globally," he said in December 2001. ``This doesn't end with Afghanistan by any imagination. ... Terrorism is a global menace. It's a scourge. And it is absolutely vital that we continue (with), for instance, Saddam Hussein.''

CBS defense of Rather hints at bigger story

Election Monitoring Group Headed By Impeached U.S. Judge

No Disputing It: Blogs Are Major Players

Friday, September 17, 2004
What Blogs Have Wrought

...keep your eyes open when heading a ball dude...
How bad?

Chicago Tribune | Eye wide shut

U.N.: What Is It Good For?

HoustonChronicle.com - Memos' possible source attacked Bush in past

If Dan Rather's source turns out to be a partisan, say goodbye to CBS's reputation.

Democrats accused of ripping Bush signs

If Dan Rather's source turns out to be a partisan, say goodbye to CBS's reputation.

Yahoo! News - Top Stories Photos - AP
Yahoo! News - Top Stories Photos - AP
Newsday.com: LI man arrested in air rage case

Thursday, September 16, 2004
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iraq war allies rebuff UN chief

Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin Speak out Against Putin�s Reforms - NEWS - MOSNEWS.COM

Yahoo! News - Top Stories Photos - AP
yes, the thugs are on the left

"Three-year-old Sophia Parlock cries while seated on the shoulders of her father, Phil Parlock, after having their Bush-Cheney sign torn up by Kerry-Edwards supporters on Thursday, Sept. 16, 2004, at the Tri-State Airport in Huntington, W.Va. "
Jonah Goldberg on John Kerry on National Review Online
Jonah Goldberg on John Kerry on National Review Online: "Perhaps, unlike most of us, he doesn't see a yes/no vote as an on/off switch so much as a huge wall of dials, knobs, levers, and switches that he can endlessly fine-tune. Maybe he has a capacity to grasp complexity most of us do not, and he's being entirely sincere when he takes positions that seem contradictory to conventional Earth Logic."
Jonah Goldberg on Dan Rather and Big Media on National Review Online
His defenses are all about how you can't prove the documents are false, as if the burden of proof for a journalistic icon is for other people to prove what he says is wrong rather than for him to prove it is right.


Already, the man looks like a sad buffoon, in denial that the quicksand is already up to his chest.


. Bush's sources were more solid by several orders of magnitude than Rather's, and yet it is "obvious" to so many that Bush lied while Rather deserves the benefit of the doubt.

Jonah Goldberg on Dan Rather and Big Media on National Review Online
Jonah Goldberg on Dan Rather and Big Media on National Review Online: "Something similar is going on with the Media Empires of today. Powerline or the blogosphere generally � which would be the 'Black Hand' in this analogy � spotted the now-obvious fraudulent nature of these documents immediately. The charge is the journalistic equivalent of an assassin's bullet for Dan Rather. Had he refused to go to war in defense of these documents, he might have survived. Instead he's determined to go the way of the Hapsburgs and his career is over"
Telegraph | Opinion | Bush-beating is nothing but snobbery
Telegraph | Opinion | Bush-beating is nothing but snobbery: "One of the reasons why the Bush-despisers will be waking up stunned on the morning of November 3 is because they spend way too much time talking to each other and sustaining each other's delusions."

Or as I like to say: "They are very comfortable in their circle-jerk echo-chamber"
Bush's lies about his service, smears Kerry's and seeks exoneration for the Abu Ghraib brass
I know from your files that we have now reassembled, the fact that you did not fulfill your oath, taken when you were commissioned to "obey the orders of the officers appointed over you".
DNC News: DNC Unveils New Video at Launch of Operation: Fortunate Son
OpinionJournal - Best of the Web Today
OpinionJournal - Best of the Web Today: "Rather: Well, because I think he is. I think at the core he's an honest person. I know that you have a different view. I know that you consider it sort of astonishing anybody would say so. But I think you can be an honest person and lie about any number of things. "
CBS | Late Show Top Ten Archive: February 08, 1995
CBS | Late Show Top Ten Archive: February 08, 1995

10. I'm Dan Rather, your love anchor

9. Connie, mind if I borrow your mascara?

8. Wanna buy a fake Rolex?

7. And now a report from our White House correspondent, Howie Mandel

6. Maybe Letterman ought to spend some of that big-time TV money on better wigs

5. That's the news, I'm Oprah Winfrey

4. Hey, let's bomb Alaska!

3. Honey, I'll be home soon--have the tequila ready

2. Good evening. I'm Dan Rather and I'm not wearing pants

1. I made that last story up

INDC Journal: Kinkos Tapes and Criminal Statutes (WILL BE UPDATED)
INDC Journal: Kinkos Tapes and Criminal Statutes (WILL BE UPDATED)
Ace of Spades HQ
Ace of Spades HQ
INDC Journal: Kinkos Tapes and Criminal Statutes (WILL BE UPDATED)
INDC Journal: Kinkos Tapes and Criminal Statutes (WILL BE UPDATED): "Kinkos Tapes and Criminal Statutes (WILL BE UPDATED)
Lest any funny business happen, I'd like to publish that INDC has made sure that the Kinko's video tapes for the Abilene branch are pulled and saved from deletion in order to guarantee future scrutiny. Kinko's assures us that they will be saved from the erase button, which is typically pressed every thirty days.
(Thanks to Thad O. for the help)
To actually supeona the tapes we'll need a civil or criminal case or investigation, but that's not hard; initial research efforts reveal the following (thanks to Left Coast Winemaker):"
lgf: CBS: Nothing Up My Sleeve!
The more I read LGF, the more I am convinced that blogs are the future of Information Dissemination.

Yahoo! News - Australian PM says UN is "paralysed", rejects Annan claim Iraq war illegal
The problem with the United Nations - it is a wonderful body in many respects and it does great humanitarian work - is that it can only proceed at the pace of the collective willingness of the permanent members," Howard said.

"You are seeing it now, tragically in Sudan. The body is paralysed. It is not doing much and the reason is you can't get agreement among the major powers. And people are dying, thousands of people are dying every month in Sudan."

Howard said that far more people were dying in Sudan than in Iraq "and the United Nations sadly has been unable to do anything".
Yahoo! News - Australian PM says UN is "paralysed", rejects Annan claim Iraq war illegal
SYDNEY (AFP) - Australian Prime Minister John Howard slammed the United Nations (news - web sites) as a "paralysed" body as he rejected claims by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan (news - web sites) that last year's Iraq (news - web sites) war was "illegal".

Hey, fuck you Kofi, welcome to sovereignty.

Yahoo! News - Australian PM says UN is "paralysed", rejects Annan claim Iraq war illegal
SYDNEY (AFP) - Australian Prime Minister John Howard slammed the United Nations (news - web sites) as a "paralysed" body as he rejected claims by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan (news - web sites) that last year's Iraq (news - web sites) war was "illegal".

Does Mr. Middle-of-the-Road Lean Left?

Does Mr. Middle-of-the-Road Lean Left?

Sorting the holy from the crazy - The Washington Times: Books - September 12, 2004

Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Alleged CBS Source May Carry Old Grudge Against Bush

HoustonChronicle.com - Secretary to military officer says Bush records fake

Saddam agents on Syria border helped move banned materials -- The Washington Times

lgf: CBS Statement to Affiliates
and thinking of Lt. Col. Killian, Lt. Bush’s squadron commander in the Guard, at the time



Boston.com / News / Nation / For the record

Letter to Chairman Fred Upton -- 09/15/2004
...time for CBS to pay a penalty...
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
ABCNEWS.com : Document Analysts: CBS News Ignored Doubts

Casting Further Doubt
Document Analysts: CBS News Ignored Concerns About Disputed Bush Military Records

By Brian Ross

Sept. 14, 2004 — Two of the document experts hired by CBS News say the network ignored concerns they raised prior to the broadcast of a report citing documents that questioned George W. Bush's service in the National Guard during the Vietnam War.


cue dum dum dum music
lgf: The Smoking Memo
...It's kinda hard to get by the lizardoid mastah's animated gif...

...and still there will be that little bit of the population that will remain convinced that Bush was a shirker, disobeyed order's and whatever other non-sense they're being peddled...

...how cheaply some sell their credibility...

..how quickly some lap it up...

and play nice with all the newbies that are sure to pop in momentarily.

Podhoretz on O'Reilly Long version

Likely Bedfellows

Go make money!

lgf: An Interesting Suspect
"and you are doing what, to make democracy better?"

...always a good response.
Melanie Phillips's Diary
Melanie Phillips's Diary
The day CBS News got 'blogged' down

Here's where your WMD's went
BERLIN : Syria tested chemical weapons on civilians in Sudan's troubled western Darfur region in June and killed dozens of people.

The German daily Die Welt newspaper, in an advance release of its Wednesday edition, citing unnamed western security sources, said that injuries apparently caused by chemical arms were found on the bodies of the victims.


It said that witnesses quoted by an Arabic news website called ILAF in an article on August 2 had said that several frozen bodies arrived suddenly at the "Al-Fashr Hospital" in the Sudanese capital Khartoum in June.

Die Welt said the sources had indicated that the weapons tests were undertaken following a military exercise between Syria and Sudan.

Syrian officers were reported to have met in May with Sudanese military leaders in a Khartoum suburb to discuss the possibility of improving cooperation between their armies.

According to Die Welt, the Syrians had suggested close cooperation on developing chemical weapons, and it was proposed that the arms be tested on the rebel SPLA, the Sudan People's Liberation Army, in the south.

But given that the rebels were involved in peace talks, the newspaper continued, the Sudanese government proposed testing the arms on people in Darfur.

Details of what were in the weapons were not disclosed.

The Sudanese government has been accused of arming and backing Arab militias, known as Janjaweed, which have rampaged through the western Darfur region for the past 19 months.

An estimated 50,000 people have been killed and 1.4 million more uprooted in a campaign against Darfur's black African population, which began in February 2003 when Khartoum and the Janjaweed cracked down on a rebel uprising.

The United States has accused Syria of trying to acquire materials and the know-how to develop chemical weapons and claims that Sudan has been seeking to improve its capability to produce them for many years.


Untitled Document
what's with the whitespace after "BEHIND THE HOTCH AND SHOT HIM"
Bernard Goldberg speaks out on his book "Arrogance", media bias, liberal authors, journalism magazines, Andy Rooney, and Andrew Heyward

WorldNetDaily: Iran declares war on U.S.

Where Ignorance Isn’t Bliss

Stanley Kurtz on CBS and Media Bias on National Review Online
Stanley Kurtz on CBS and Media Bias on National Review Online: "By standing behind a story that is so obviously flawed, Rather and CBS News are setting themselves up to become laughing stocks."
Belmont Club

OpinionJournal - Best of the Web Today
"Dan Rather Goes Monkeyfishing"
Another Tet?
"At the same time, the public is vastly more skeptical of such gatekeepers. The notion that any newscaster today could be called, as Cronkite was, the "most trusted man in America" is quaint at best. Just look at the credibility problems of Cronkite's own CBS successor Dan Rather and you get the picture."

Yeah, Rather really fucked *that* enterprise up.
"This is not subject to debate by rational men. The Killian memos are forgeries."
concerning the forged CBS documents
dman this is a shitload to read...it's alrready obvious to *me* these are forged...

Monday, September 13, 2004
My Way News
My Way News: "Curiously, however, the Russian leader's proposals focused largely on electoral changes. Putin said he would propose legislation abolishing the election of local governors by popular vote. Instead they would be nominated by the president and confirmed by local legislatures. He said the change was needed to streamline and strengthen the executive branch to better combat terror."

Yeah...uh huhh...riiiiiight. So are you really an autocrat, and should we stand back from your regime?
Before you fall for Dems' spin, here are the facts=The Hill.com=

The Bradley that had to get whacked.
"Yahoo! News Search Results for FLag Bradley"

"A man hoists a flag of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi on a burning U.S. Bradley Fighting Vehicle at Haifa street in Baghdad, Iraq , Sunday Sept. 12, 2004. Fighting broke out early in the morning between U.S troops and insurgents and lasted for nearly 90 minutes as U.S. soldiers fired from positions behind walls and trees along Haifa Street. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla) "
NYT - Economic View: Do Newspapers Make Good News Look Bad?
fyi, I often post things I'll get back to reading, this would be one of them.
How the Los Angeles Times Really Decided to Publish its Accounts of Women Who Said They Were Groped ~ Issue Oct 14, 03

Microsoft Word

Memos debate eclipses content

The Hudson Review | Bruce Bawer | Hating America

The IBM Composer Pavilion
Are the Bush Documents Fakes?
As for me, I do not have the time to get any farther into this snowballing brouhaha. Now: wouldn't it be nice if we could get past the slander-slinging by various individuals "For Truth" and focus on a serious debate about how best to ensure a strong, just, prosperous, healthy, and secure America? (I'm not holding my breath...)
Rather Defends CBS Over Memos on Bush (washingtonpost.com)

Sunday, September 12, 2004
ImageShack - Hosting :: 60minbusted.swf

Wired News: Tech Boosts the Fraudsters
Wired News: Tech Boosts the Fraudsters: "But there's good news too. 'A lot of forgeries are done by bungling forgers,' said document examiner Manny Gonzales, owner of Alliance Forensic Services in Escondido, California. 'They're not all that sharp, most of them.' "
The Intra'fada
glad I was able to find this
OpinionJournal - Best of the Web Today
OpinionJournal - Best of the Web Today: "But dwelling on minor allegations of wrongdoing in the far-off past seems unlikely to bring down an incumbent president. Suppose you're an employer and you hear that one of your employees, who's been working for you for about four years, once had a drinking problem and in fact pleaded guilty nearly 30 years ago to a misdemeanor charge of driving under the influence. You actually heard about all this when you initially hired him, and it did give you second thoughts, but in the end you decided to give him a chance. In the four years he's been working for you, you've seen no sign that he's fallen off the wagon. Is there any cause here to fire him? Even if the revelation about his past were new, wouldn't it have to be pretty severe to constitute grounds for termination?
Now say someone comes to you looking for a job. Right off the bat, you notice something strange about his r�sum�: It goes on for page after page about a job he held for four months, more than 35 years ago, but makes only the barest mention of anything he's done since. You have him in for an interview, and he can't give you a straight answer to any question about what he plans to do in the job if you hire him. Instead (to borrow a description from Joe Conason), he sounds like a bar-stool bore, with a bad habit of repeating the same lame boasts about that long-ago four-month stint again and again.
Still, you decide to check out his references. (John Edwards: 'If you have any question about what John Kerry is made of, just spend three minutes with the men who served with him.') Some sing his praises quite extravagantly, but a greater number describe him harshly as a man of dubious character, and some accuse him of lying on his r�sum�. He acknowledges a few embellishments but refuses to provide you with documents that would s"
Bush Guard papers 'forged' - The Washington Times: Nation/Politics - September 12, 2004

No Disputing It: Blogs Are Major Players

Cox & Forkum: When Worlds Collude

Cox & Forkum: Ballot Initiative

The Connection
"And on it goes. This conventional wisdom--that our two most determined enemies were not in league, now or ever--is comforting. It is also wrong. "
More race baiting

LBJ Library: NSAM Home Page
"Here is a cache of documents created by IBM Executive typewriters: LBJ Library. (Hat tip: Jeff Harrell.)"

hat tip LGF

W. Thomas Smith Jr. on the War on Terror on National Review Online

Atomic Activity in North Korea Raises Concerns


Saturday, September 11, 2004
Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Revealed: the gas chamber horror of North Korea's gulag

lgf: One More CBS Document Example
oooh a liberal tactic HOW UNFAIR !

Boston.com / News / Nation / Authenticity backed on Bush documents
...the Globe flails away...what comedy
Expert Ambush

Expert Ambush

lgf: Blogging in a 3-Piece
Themistocles, Thucydides,
The Peloponnesian War,
X squared, Y squared,
Who for? What for?
Who we gonna yell for?

Logarithm, biorhythm,
Entropy, kinetics,
MPC, GNP, bioenergetics!
Maximize and integrate,
Titrate and Equilibrate--

Maximize our GNP,
Titrate their solution;
Calculate their MPC,
Crush their revolution!

The Hoaxing of CBS
"But the more important reason CBS was duped is that they wanted to believe the story. And the memos neatly fit the anti-Bush narrative that they believed to be true: Namely, Bush was a slacker at the end of his tour of duty and his superiors covered for him because they were under political pressure to do so."
Friday, September 10, 2004
Victor Davis Hanson on the War on National Review Online
Victor Davis Hanson on the War on National Review Online: "Only the Europeans, in their fear and impotence, still pray that obsequiousness might fend off Islamofascism, as if a Madrid is an aberration rather than a harbinger of worse to come. Only the elite radical American Left is either too timid or too morally bankrupt to condemn the new fascism in the Middle East or the Arab genocide in Sudan, preferring instead to whine about Bush's 'lies' and all the other non-issues that the most secure and leisured people on the planet protest about for an hour or two before calling it a day."
Expert: Dan Rather Exaggerates Military Record

The Terrorism to Come by Walter Laqueur - Policy Review, No. 126

Yahoo! News - Group honors curricula that explore 9/11's 'root causes'

Yahoo! News - Group honors curricula that explore 9/11's 'root causes'

Sept. 11: Why Was US Attacked?

Three Years On

Blood and Belief

"They Are So Involved in This"

FrontPage magazine.com :: We Are So Sorry for 9-11 by Kamal Nawash

The American Spectator - Anatomy of a Forgery

Charles Johnson, who runs the wonderful littlegreenfootballs.com, simply typed one of the memos over using Microsoft Word's New Times Roman font and, lo and behold, the document came out exactly identical to the one on the CBS site, down to the letter spacing.

The documents contain such features as superscript lettering, which is done automatically by Microsoft Word, and curly quotation marks. A brief glance at a Web site called selectric.org, run by an amateur typewriter fanatic, reveals dozens of IBM electric typefaces — and none of them has curly quotation marks.

New York Post Online Edition: postopinion

New York Post Online Edition: postopinion

Wednesday, September 08, 2004
VDH's Private Papers::September Question Log

FrontPage magazine.com :: Kerry's Iranian Connection Fights Democracy by Robert Spencer
FrontPage magazine.com :: Kerry's Iranian Connection Fights Democracy by Robert Spencer: "As president, I will be prepared early on to explore areas of mutual interest with Iran, just as I was prepared to normalize relations with Vietnam a decade ago."

I'm not interested in normal relations with killers.
Michael Novak on Zell Miller and Democrats on National Review Online

The Children of Beslan - The unique depravity of modern Islamic terror

OpinionJournal - Best of the Web Today
OpinionJournal - Best of the Web Today: "But dwelling on minor allegations of wrongdoing in the far-off past seems unlikely to bring down an incumbent president. Suppose you're an employer and you hear that one of your employees, who's been working for you for about four years, once had a drinking problem and in fact pleaded guilty nearly 30 years ago to a misdemeanor charge of driving under the influence. You actually heard about all this when you initially hired him, and it did give you second thoughts, but in the end you decided to give him a chance. In the four years he's been working for you, you've seen no sign that he's fallen off the wagon. Is there any cause here to fire him? Even if the revelation about his past were new, wouldn't it have to be pretty severe to constitute grounds for termination?
Now say someone comes to you looking for a job. Right off the bat, you notice something strange about his r�sum�: It goes on for page after page about a job he held for four months, more than 35 years ago, but makes only the barest mention of anything he's done since. You have him in for an interview, and he can't give you a straight answer to any question about what he plans to do in the job if you hire him. Instead (to borrow a description from Joe Conason), he soun"
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Sen. Kerry's Vietnam Medals Evaluation Report

Monday, September 06, 2004
Yahoo! News - Russia, Israel Agree on Anti-Terror Union

John Kerry for President - The 2004 GOP Convention: Four Days Filled With Lies, Mischaracterizations, Distortions, And Half-Truths

Where are the refutations?

This is a gigantic list of reasons TO vote for Bush.
Saturday, September 04, 2004
rantings from mullahville
No international law prohibits Iran from gaining access to complete nuclear fuel cycle

...no...a sovereign nation protecting itself from your madness does

rantings from mullahville
"Noting that every time the agency releases a report on Iran the U.S. tries to mislead public opinion by exaggerating some part of the report, the former Iranian representative to the IAEA said Washington once expressed concern over Iran's announcement about nuclear industry centrifuges, another time it used polonium and plutonium as a pretext, another time it called the P-2 centrifuge a source of concern, and now it claims that Iran's decision to convert yellowcake into UF6 is dangerous, saying that Iran could use the process to produce enough highly-enriched uranium to manufacture five nuclear bombs."

Yeah, IF you can do that, then I'm not interested in letting you...

don't like it?

tough shit

we can fight it out if you like.

Jerusalem Post | Breaking News from Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World
The writer served as deputy director of Communications & Policy Planning in the prime minister's office under Binyamin Netanyahu

Hey look! :D I'm part of a vast Jewish conspiracy merely for blogging this!!!


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