Orbit Rain
Thursday, November 18, 2004
Your Tax Dollars at Work
Yesterday the House International Relations Committee revealed that money from the United Nations Oil for Food program, which was supposed to provide humanitarian assistance to the Iraqi people, helped pay the families of Palestinian suicide bombers. This shouldn't come as a surprise. The U.N. has a problem with anti-Semitism: It doesn't know what it is.
In order to figure it out, the Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights and Unesco invited a group of experts to Barcelona last week. Their mission: to provide the U.N. special rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, Doudou Diéne, with advice on anti-Semitism as well as "Christianophobia and Islamophobia."
From whom did the U.N. get advice? There was Tariq Ramadan of Switzerland's Fribourg University, who was denied entry to the U.S. in August on the basis of a law concerning aliens who have used a "position of prominence within any country to endorse or espouse terrorist activity" or are considered a "public safety risk or a national security threat." But apparently the U.N. thought it was worth listening to the views on racism of someone who said on Sept. 25, 2001, that "[Osama] Bin Laden is perhaps a useful straw man, like Saddam Hussein, whose diabolical representation perhaps serves other geo-strategic, economic or political designs."
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
FrontPage magazine.com :: Incitement to Genocide, Act Two by Steven Plaut
FrontPage magazine.com :: Incitement to Genocide, Act Two by Steven Plaut
FrontPage magazine.com :: Arafat�s Legacy for Europe by Bat Ye�or
FrontPage magazine.com :: Arafat�s Legacy for Europe by Bat Ye�or
Yahoo! News - Hamas Rejects Palestinian Leader's Pleas
Yahoo! News - Hamas Rejects Palestinian Leader's Pleas: "
Also Tuesday, an Israeli economist totaled up the cost of four years of violence to the two sides and came up with huge amounts � $12 billion for Israel and $4.5 billion for the Palestinians.
Danny Singerman, chief economist at the research firm Business Data Israel, said the Palestinian uprising cut the Palestinian GDP (news - web sites) by about 30 percent and Israeli GDP by 10 percent.
In September, the United Nations (news - web sites) said that three out of four Palestinians are living in poverty. "
I have to say, it's no wonder their economy is for shit, they're constantly waging war, what do you expect?
Yahoo! News - Hamas Rejects Palestinian Leader's Pleas
Yahoo! News - Hamas Rejects Palestinian Leader's Pleas: "Hamas and Islamic Jihad do not accept the presence of a Jewish state in the Middle East. They refuse to take part in governments formed as a result of agreements with Israel and say they will not participate in the election. "
Friday, November 12, 2004
lgf: Arafat the Monster
One of the things I live by when it comes to the fate of souls is: "judge not, lest ye be judged"
I'm leaving it to God to determine a soul's fate...that's not to say that I don't think he should have been "dealt with" in this physical realm a loooong time ago. It's not incongrous that one can want someone dead while not *hating* them...must an executioner hate his condemned?
It's the "love them" part that takes more thought and work...so I wonder who the "stone cold killer" is, me or him.
Either way, I'm not up for letting people who kill innocents run around free to keep on killing.
"God Bless his Soul"
...perhaps God will cleanse the evil from his soul? Open his eyes to Love? Free him from his hatreds?
God knows...I don't
Thursday, November 11, 2004
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Bush's Secularist Triumph - The left apologizes for religious fanatics. The president fights them. By Christopher�Hitchens
Bush's Secularist Triumph - The left apologizes for religious fanatics. The president fights them. By Christopher�Hitchens: "Many are the cheap and easy laughs in which one could indulge at the extraordinary, pitiful hysteria of the defeated Democrats. 'Kerry won,' according to one e-mail I received from Greg Palast, to whom the Florida vote in 2000 is, and always will be, a combination of Gettysburg and Waterloo. According to Nikki Finke of the LA Weekly, the Fox News channel 'called' Ohio for Bush for reasons too sinister to enumerate. Gregory Maniatis, whose last communication to me had predicted an annihilating Democratic landslide, kept quiet for only a day or so before forwarding the details on how to emigrate to Canada. Thus do the liberals build their bridge to the 20th century."
Sunday, November 07, 2004
MSNBC - The Vets Attack
MSNBC - The Vets Attack: "Kerry's running mate, John Edwards, also wanted to take a swipe at the Swifties. Edwards was hardly an attacker in the Dole (or Cheney) tradition of vice presidential hit men; his whole persona and appeal were based on sunny optimism. But as early as Aug. 5, when the Swifties were just getting traction, Edwards wanted to push back, hard. McCain had just told the Associated Press that the Swift Boat ads were 'dishonest and dishonorable... the same kind of deal that was pulled on me.' Edwards wanted to begin a speech, 'I join with Senator McCain in calling on the president to condemn this dishonest and dishonorable ad.' But Kerry headquarters said no. Stephanie Cutter, the boss of the Kerry communications shop, explained that the campaign didn't need to give the Swift Boat vets any more attention than they were already getting.
Edwards played along, but his aides were indignant. They warned the veep candidate that the story was already out of control and about to get worse. Historian Douglas Brinkley, author of a wartime biography of Kerry, cautioned that Kerry's diary included mention of a meeting with some North Vietnamese terrorists in Paris. Edwards was flabbergasted. 'Let me get this straight,' the senator said. 'He met with terrorists? Oh, that's good.'"
Reuters | Latest Financial News / Full News Coverage
Reuters | Latest Financial News / Full News Coverage: "Defence Minister Hazim al-Shaalan visited Iraqi soldiers expected to join U.S. Marines poised outside Falluja.
'Today Falluja and tomorrow, when they run away like rats, we will chase them from house to house, from room to room,' he said. 'You are the defenders of democracy, you are the defenders of freedom.
'But those killers and criminals who carry the banner of Islam, you will curse them and put them beneath your feet.'"
Friday, November 05, 2004
Thursday, November 04, 2004
Le Monde.fr : La folle nuit am�ricaine des bloggers
Certains racontent leurs mésaventures ou celles de leurs amis, empêchés de voter, car jamais inscrits sur la liste électorale de leur comté malgré leurs démarches administratives. Enfin, vient le temps des commentaires, réjouissances ou inquiétudes. Little Green Footballs, un blog conservateur, se réjouit à l'avance de la tête que Chirac et Kerry feront lorsqu'ils apprendront la victoire de Bush et qu'ils réaliseront que "leurs idéologies post-modernes, moralement dévaluées ont été rejetées par les Américains".
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
lgf: About Those Exit Polls...
#2 Orbit Rain 11/2/2004 02:04PM PST
...the media is spinning it as much as they can to do whatever they can to keep the horserace alive and to try and affect voters mindsets...
Monday, November 01, 2004