Orbit Rain
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Transterrestrial Musings
Transterrestrial Musings: "she doesn't even seem to possess the reasoning skills to understand the arguments against her"
A line like this deserves an entry.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Davids Medienkritik: SDZ: US Journalists "Intimidated by Government Propaganda, Bloggers and Conservative Interest Groups"
My post on this blog:
I've commented as I read along, you've been warned :-)
"They believe that, for the most part, the American "mainstream media" has become a willing servant to the Republican agenda."
...lol...ohhh man what a misrepresentation of reality *that* is...to propogate this perception seems to imply either ignorance or deception. Either way, I'm glad I'm not part of that population that is being fed this particular pile of bullshit...
_belief runs strong in Euroland_
"National politics reporters and anchors here come largely from the same race and class as the people they are supposed to be holding to account."
...therefore they must be racially and class biased toward their "kin"...eh?...that's some brilliant logic there...or am I supposed to draw some *other* inference from this bullshit...but I digress away from today's target...
"The wave of patriotism after September 11, 2001 damaged American journalism more than it benefited it."
...an opinion wrapped as fact...
"Now the country has gone through a new key experience: Hurricane Katrina destroyed thousands of existences – however the television reporters have this time found their own voice and are losing their inhibitions to bite."
...I'm thinkin' this person doesn't watch much TV over here...The press likes to throw up questions loaded with false presumptions, looking for that crucial clip that will raise an alarm...that crucial misquote...hell, they'll even make shit up.
Scandal sells and they want people curious about the outcome, or the "ongoing struggle" or whatever metaphor you want to call your conflict du jour...come to think of it, I think I'll speak directly to whoever wrote put this crap out...
"The state-serving corset burst along with the dams in New Orleans that many journalists – intimidated by government propaganda, bloggers and conservative interest groups – had put on. George W. Bush’s political backing in the media collapsed."
...lol, this is some funny shit...yeah, I'm real intimidating, pointing out your errors and your misconceptions, your poor logic and blah blah blah...you're lame...you suck, etc. etc...insert your ad hominems here because people who lose arguments tend to become intimidated by the realization of the paucity of their reasoning abilities...
I can't help it you can't face the truth, that's in *your* head man...not mine. Go ahead, rant and rave, call me a beligerent neocon...along with a racist, fascist, hypocrite, liar...whatever...
You saying it doesn't make it true.
"what bullshit!"
"nor does she provide a single shred of evidence that such intimidation has ever taken place"
...because there isn't any, and liars lie...go figure.
"Bush was three times as negative as coverage of Kerry (36% versus 12%) It was also less likely to be positive (20% positive Bush stories, 30% for Kerry)"
...three to one sounds about right on the negative bit...but then, if you live in Germany and don't actually watch American news coverage, you pretty much have to make shit up...
"Either way, she clearly occupies a fantasy world born of her own prejudice and ignorance."
from that BBC article, the caption is priceless too:
"Mr Bush's famed "folksy" style has failed to impress in this crisis"
lmao...damn and that "folksy style" usually works on the brainwashed masses!...yeah Bush was counting on that "folksy style" to impress...yeah...uhhhh...
"and labeling the entire situation Bush's "Katrinagate.""
...yeah, everything's a "gate" or a Vietnam, they're still hoping one of them sticks.
"but instead the richest country in the world."
We can take it (a hurricane)....true...but this whole "joy" thing seems...oh...I don't know....evil?
"Yes, I even see in that a form of balancing justice for that which the inhabitants of that country have done to others through their war in Iraq."
...yeah, Ghandi said "an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind."... "balancing justice", eh? ...this rings of the balancing Palestinians claim when Israel's citizens are fair tagets for the actions of *their* government...is there a similar equivalence fore *your* readers??..for *their* support of your lifestyle?
You're coming off as evil again. You equivocate the killing of killers with the victims of a hurricane, how strange you are.
"I would, however, be even more happy, if I knew that only the houses of Bush voters and members of the Army had been destroyed."
Should I be hoping for the destruction of *your* lifestyle? What and odd way to counter an opponent...but then I'm not drawn toward violence toward innocents...and you project your evil on to me, assuming that I'm willing to inflict the same violence upon innocents as you are.
You are wrong.
end of sentence
""Live on every channel was to be seen how fatal it can be when the government first takes responsibility for the lives of citizens in an emergency. A slender state that places its trust in privatization instead of governmental foresight is clearly not capable of enforcing the rights of the survivors to human dignity and freedom from violence in such situations.""
...oh, more crazy shit from Stern, why am I not suprised?...What's the death-toll again? btw "governmental foresight" is an oxymoron.
"We Show What Bush Didn't Want to See."
...more mind-reading...beware of mind-readers people...
"Stern barely attempts to explain the complexity of disaster response or legal jurisdiction (local, state, federal) in the United States"
...yeah, that's because they don't understand it...
"And make no mistake, the examples above only represent the tip of the iceberg. If you browse this website for even ten minutes, you will find countless further examples of the sort of shoddy, one-sided, unprofessional reporting on the United States that has dominated the German media for years now."
...sad how a country gets its information from a bunch of idiots, but then, we're just about in the same boat.
" Important questions with important solutions."
True, and your blog is certainly part of the solution. I say amplify those who tell the truth, and point out the liars.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
VDH's Private Papers::The Forbidden History
VDH's Private Papers::The Forbidden History: "imperialistic conquest is justified and mandated by the Islamic faith"